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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Uber green koopas..?
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Atma X
Posts: 564/801
Don't figure it out later, do it as soon as you can, or it will eventually be forgotten (and whatever you did that you can remember anything about will be forgotten),... and then you'll really be screwed (I've almost done it a few times myself).
Posts: 285/647
That's the problem. I need to find out what it is because I was just screwing around in the hex editor. I'll figure it out later
Posts: 641/1346
...easy peasy. I have already done this and made a shelless koopa that uses a different area of the graphics and is unaffected by shells...

That was using mikejk's data. I will probably look into how each of the stuff works and submit what I figure out. What you did was change the first set of the sprite tables to make it so that the green koopa interacts a specific way. Hmmm... what value did you change it to?
Posts: 283/647
Okay, I started and all I was able to do was corrupt the hack I going to leave them, they're cool
Posts: 1764/8210
Well, might I suggest you compare the first 512K with an original SMW ROM (or better, a backup of the hack) and see what you did? (Some of the changes will be LM's ASM hacks and such, so it might take a few tries.)
Posts: 278/647
I was messing around with my hack in a hex editor, and accidentially did some sprite hacking in the process My green koopas are extremely annoying now. Powerups do not affect run right through them with a star, fire goes through them, and when you hit them with a cape from the side they bounce around
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Uber green koopas..?


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