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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - How old do you think Samus is?
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Squash Monster
Posts: 32/677
I like Orange Pastry's second version, at least for the differences between ages. I'd bump them all up three years or so to account for what Adamant mentioned, though.

Random dictionaries
Posts: 15/29
Power suit not Power Armor, Power Metal Exoskeleton. Power Suit.

As in able to wear and take off.

She's a human.
Posts: 79/445
I think that she's old enough to know better.

Honestly though, that's very hard to say. One must take into account that chozo blood runs through her via her suit (at least I think I heard that somewhere). That might give her a longer lifespan, so if this is the case, it would be very hard to say how old she is. She might be 100, for all we know.
Posts: 102/703
well she has been out since NES and she was probably 20 then so now shes probably like... 39 Eek
Gameboy 64
Posts: 56/94
If Samus is a cyborg, how is able to remove her suit. Damn, hardly nobody knows who's Samus Aran is, or what she is. :/
Posts: 55/2002
Originally posted by Adamant

And no, she's not a machine, just a cyborg.

I will smack the crap out of you as soon as I get the chance. She was a HUMAN CHILD found by the Chozo! God!
Gameboy 64
Posts: 55/94
JaCory, Metroid Prime took after Metroid but before Metroid 2.
My Guess, well since all her missions followed immediately (not sure 'bout Zero Mission, *damn need it*) she stayed the same age.
Posts: 59/323
Heres my guess:

Metroid - 19
Metroid2 - 19
Prime - 20
Super - 21
Fusion - 22
Posts: 16/24
In all of them except Fusion, in wich she is 24.
Orange Pastry
Posts: 50/168
What do you mean "Where did you get this from?"

The only place it came was from my head.
Posts: 46/184
I'd say that it would be anywhere between 20 and 30... That seems to be the average age of female characters in most games and movies...

And look at it this way:

Below 20, she would be inexperienced at combat

Above 30, signs of old age would start to show... With all that action, she might contract arthritis early...

So, I think it's gotta be between those ages .
Posts: 66/344
Originally posted by Orange Pastry
Oops, in that case...

Metroid - 21
Prime - 21
Metroid2 - 22
Super - 23
Fusion - 25

And where did you get this information? I'm interested. Or did you just make it up?
Orange Pastry
Posts: 47/168
Oops, in that case...

Metroid - 21
Prime - 21
Metroid2 - 22
Super - 23
Fusion - 25
Posts: 104/1068
Yeah, I think she's about 25 Years old. 'cause the experience she got with dealing with these things, and from the looks, she seems to be 25.

Maybe she's younger, because she grew up as a fighter and a bounty hounter.
Private Adamant
Posts: 68/551
Well.. She did graduate from the Space Police Academy, and I guess that takes some time.. Then she worked as a Bounty Hunter, and made herself a name that way before the first game.. I'd say 23 or something.

And no, she's not a machine, just a cyborg.

Orange Pastry: Metroid Prime takes place between Metroid and Metroid 2, not between 2 and Super. Besides, Super took placed right after 2.
Posts: 131/555
Originally posted by Cid
You really can't tell, she is in a machine if you haven't noticed.

Fucking dumbass. I shouldn't have to explain this in the least. Just plain stupid.
Posts: 9/93
You really can't tell, she is in a machine if you haven't noticed.
Orange Pastry
Posts: 44/168
I think age with video game charaters is reversed.
Take Mario for example, he started as a 8 bit piece of nothing, now he's almost as real as he can get in Sunshine.
Of course this doesn't apply to cranky kong.


Metroid - 21
Metroid2 - 22
Prime - 23
Super - 23.3
Fusion - 25
Posts: 65/344
I read from some site that she's supposed to be 28 in Metroid I. I'm not sure if that's true or not though, the guy could've made it up.
Posts: 349/3418
I'd say 18 at the least and 25 or so for the most in the series.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - How old do you think Samus is?


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