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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Modern Art. | 1 guest
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - the answer my friend, is blowin in the wind
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Posts: 1027/1210
Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.
Just check his posts on average, and you'll be surprised he can operate one.
urk, why am I even bothering? -.-
Posts: 31/36
Digimamer has to be joking. Seriously. I honestly don't believe that anyone capable of operating a computer has never heard of Bob Dylan.
Black Lord
Posts: 67/453
Originally posted by Gavin
Originally posted by Digigamer
Well i have no idea who that guy is, but it does seem okay to me.

I must agree... tis sad these youthful ones who do not know of him...

Awesome layout tho... I give two thumbs up...
Posts: 1041/1407
Originally posted by Gavin
and yes, looking great Dylan. *Gavin plays the Blonde On Blonde album *

*tips hat* *Dylan plays the Highway 61 Revisited album *
Posts: 240/799
Originally posted by Digigamer
Well i have no idea who that guy is, but it does seem okay to me.

and yes, looking great Dylan. *Gavin plays the Blonde On Blonde album *
Grey the Stampede
Posts: 1092/3770
I gotta hand it to you Dylan, this is impressive stuff. Your layouts just keep getting better and better!

I might commission you to design one for me someday...
Posts: 1006/1210
The days of 49 is the only thing irking me.
readable and not lacking css.
and you edited your image nicely, unlike some people around here lately XD
Posts: 2242/4249
Nice layout. I like the "greyscale" style.
Posts: 138/392
Oooo! I like that layout! Good job!
Posts: 51/77
Well i have no idea who that guy is, but it does seem okay to me.
Posts: 1038/1407
Bob Dylan layout. I know its a tad hard to read on, but I'm trying to retain a "faded" look. You've got you're faded gray acoustic --->, you're faded catchy song title -- ^, and let's not forget, links
and blockquotes, which have strategic margining,
but are both very basic, and happen to have some random connection with Tombstone Blues.
Oh c'mon, I need to make at least one song reference!

Edit: This is the image I edited. It was only cropping really, but I needed to edit the hair because the text is on top of it. Does the hair look ok?

Edit again: Uh, I see one spot on the hair I forgot to spatter. The left side and up a bit. Eh, its fine, and I don't feel like changing that. Maybe some other time.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - the answer my friend, is blowin in the wind


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