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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Possible to change title screen to use 16 colours?
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Posts: 745/-2459
HyperHacker, thats what I am doing right now. My title looks 100000% better and sort of reminds me of the "Bonus" from YI.

The problem I am having with this is making the title follow mario. I have it at the perfect hight but I have tried using sprites to make it scroll and it didn't work. BTW, I was using it on layer two because I didn't see any layer 1 scroll sprites.

So does anyone know exactly how to set it up (layer's, properties, sprites etc.)? Thnaks in advance. And a demo is almost ready, probably by the end of the month or maby even the end of next week!
Posts: 1766/8210
Hmm, is it possible to use a layer 2 level for the title screen? You could always make your level on layer 2, and use layers 1 and 3 together to make some cool effects.
Posts: 637/1346
You could actually not have black as a color. You could change it. Plus, in the palette editor when editing the title screen you could actually use the palette used for the background. For example, if you didn't use the colors for the second background, then edit those palettes in level C5 or C7 (whichever one it is...) and then you can use them. I did that in Basic Land with the flashing colors. That is one way of tricking the system. Also, look at Yoshi's Island. They use some really interesting tricks on anything on layer 3. Try using some of those techniques...
Posts: 256/647
That's too bad, it'd be cool if you could use more than those colors
Posts: 395/1261
No, it's not possible, because Layer 3 is limited to 4 colors by the SNES hardware. The only thing you could do is erase Layer 3 completely and use Layer 1 or 2 for the logo, but then you'd have no background.
Posts: 738/-2459
At least thats good to know. I am just having a problem with the palettes showing correct in LM but not in the game. It seems that I can only use palettes 5 and 7. I thought I should beable to use palettes 5-7. So this is limiting. Also, the way I have it set up makes it so I would have to use palettes 3-7. I have the exact same title from SMAS (except the All*STARS part and World is replaced with Era) and this title uses 4bit (if thats 16 coulors). So the "Super" Part overlaps the "Mario Era" part. This is the reason Ii need 4bit.
Juggling Joker
Posts: 304/1033
It's certainly possible, but would be infinitely easier to be clever with what you have.
Posts: 737/-2459
Is it possible to make the title screen use 16 colours instead of just the 4? I am really frustrated with having to use 4 colors (1 being transparent, and one being black outline, which leaves me with now 2) So Is it possible by bypassing something or changing some bytes? Thanks for any help at all.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Possible to change title screen to use 16 colours?


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