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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Yoshi's New Isle Update [SS]
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Squash Monster
Posts: 443/677
Eggvine? Insert ASM? *cracks up* What do you think I am, competent?

Anyway, you could make deserts without exgfx. Just discard some other graphics. I was actually planning on doing that a lot with the hack I was planning back when I suffered from delusions of having free time.

Anyway, your hack still looks mighty spiffy, cpubasic.
Posts: 692/1346
Originally posted by Keikonium
What I would love to see in YI is a desert level. I know this wont be possible until exgfx but that is one element that they never covered. I personally always liked the cave and mud/forest levels. This hack is looking very good, and will be a d/l for me when its gets completed.

BTW, do you have any ASM at all in this hack? (custom ASM, not stuff that eggvine may insert)

1. ExGFX will probably not be possible unless you insert it into some areas in the rom that have the code FF for a while... besides, you have a limited palette to work with...

2. I was going to make the P-Switch do something and I found the code for when teh P-Switch is activated, but I had no other data so there was no way for me to do anything with it...
Posts: 762/-2459
What I would love to see in YI is a desert level. I know this wont be possible until exgfx but that is one element that they never covered. I personally always liked the cave and mud/forest levels. This hack is looking very good, and will be a d/l for me when its gets completed.

BTW, do you have any ASM at all in this hack? (custom ASM, not stuff that eggvine may insert)
Posts: 686/1346
Very slow. I now have a job at Red Lobster, so my time at home is affected, therefore, things will be slow. In the meantime...

This is a sky level, of course! This might be the only screen you see of it, being an extra level... I want to somehow suprise you...
Posts: 1/171
Three days, no new posts, what's the news on the hack?
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 268/693
Damn you, Iggy . (j/k)
Posts: 665/1346

Hehehe... you can tell the difference here... although it is only a graphics change (and compared to the original, this one is worse). I will change the icon for the extra levels only because... well, the level tiles use 2 palettes... and the third level (which is Harry's Hot Caves) uses a palette I cannot use for it... no blue. This restricts me...

Take a guess on the level name.
Iggy Koopa
Posts: 199/214
I must say, this has to be the best Yoshi's Island hack I've ever seen.
Posts: 657/1346
A sky level... that would be cool. Very cool idea. Why didn't I think of that? That is perfect.

And maybe some Goonies or Gustys... or lots of them. That would be really cool.
Posts: 351/647
I thought he was... I thought it was called Poochey ain't stupid
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 267/693
I wouldn't suggest Poochey, since Poochey was used in the original 1-E. I wouldn't suggest night-time either because you already had a night-time level in world 1. My suggestion, not on your list, is a sky level. You can use the falling rocks in this level also...they will go good with a sky theme.
Posts: 334/647
Make a water level with those ghosts dropping bombs into the water
Posts: 654/1346
I would if I could, but not only am I low on bytes available in the game, the sprites that change the tileset only change the foreground, not the background or sprites. And since falling rocks, ghosts, and Poochey were never used together...

I am thinking of a water level though... but I want some opinions...
Posts: 330/647

Try to work all of them in
Posts: 651/1346
Originally posted by gnkkwinrrul
Looking great But it seems as if 1-8 is extremely long....

Ummm... not really. I just posted a lot of screenies of it. I posted more screenies of it then any other level.

Betas: Turned out, it did actually upload... didn't show it yesterday, but it did today... so enjoy the beta!

Now for an user interactive moment: What kind of theme should 1-E have? I want one of the following:

-falling rock
-nightime with ghosts

I can't choose which one though. Any suggestions? If you have another theme, feel free to tell me.
Posts: 320/647
Looking great But it seems as if 1-8 is extremely long....
Posts: 646/1346
Beta testers: I am trying to get my beta up on Freewebs but it isn't working for me. I will have to use my old Geocities account... if it will work! AHHHH!!! So you will all have to wait a while... which can be from one day to a week, as I am probably going to get a job.

I originally was going to make it short, but since the first part had some space left over, I decided to add a little bit to it (the first part is with the castle blocks with the 3D effect).

Sure you want to see screenshots, right?

Start the scroll!

The tileset goes from castle blocks to general castle tileset with just 2 sprites.
Posts: 46/77
Absolutely wonderful... I'm excited to see this and other YI hacks in the future..

[off topic]I still haven't found my game of choice... right now its looking like Zelda 3... [/off topic]

Anyway, looks really nice.
Knight of Time
Posts: 65/125
Wow, I gotta say, your hack of Yoshi's Island is looking great so far, cpubasic!

Of all the hacks of other games I've seen on this board besides SMW, this one definitely is the best I've ever seen!

I might download the demo someday (when you make it that is), if I have time.

Keep up the great work!
Posts: 639/1346
For the beta testers, you will get a new beta version after 1-8 is done. Then after 1-E is done, a demo will be released for everyone. I just have a few things to do to some of the earlier levels (1-5 needs a new palette, 1-6 needs a mid-ring).

All I know is that sometime in my hack I will add the rotating doors (NOT in 6-8, though...). Will I add it in 1-8? I am not sure, but due to lack of bytes in the level, I will probably end up not using it. And for those of you wondering how I will accomplish this...

Rotating door's exit locations. Starts off with B8 05 77 00 (Which is door 1).

Anyone can use this data to use the rotating door for their puzzles... and stuff...

Nope, no new screenie today. Not much progress done lately...
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Yoshi's New Isle Update [SS]


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