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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Super Mario World: High Flyin' Remix is released!
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High Flyin' Ryan
Posts: 51/136
I know, I just can't handle pressure and peeps very well. I can dish it out, but taking it in really makes me angry, so I'm sorry guys. Keep it cool and if you want to go ahead and talk bad about the hack, cause my 2nd one will be SWEET. Got a new Overworld going on this time :-D
Atma X
Posts: 547/801
Damm it, don't say that
Just stick with it (nobody meant to offend you )
High Flyin' Ryan
Posts: 50/136
Alright bud, mind closing the post though? For real, I'm not good at handling negativity :-P
Posts: 961/2390
Okay, okay, calm down.

Ryan, stop claiming people are flaming you. "OMG YOUR LEVELS SUX" is an example of flaming. "Your first level was nice but had a bit too few enemies for my taste." is an example of an opinion. "Your first level had only five enemies, but took three minutes to play through. I think you need to add more enemies" is an example of constructive critisism. Don't call constructive critisism flaming. It's not. These people are not out to hurt you.

When they critisise some parts of your hack, do they DEMAND that you fix it? No. Do they think that everything about your hack sucks just because they had some opinions about two or three things? No.

You say that "[we're] just to[o] fucking demanding". No, we're not. All we're doing is saying it's a good hack, but that we think a few details here and there could be made different. That's not demanding. You see a bunch of opinions here and you think that we all hate you because not everyone said "Good hack!" and didn't post a list of critisism. People that just say "Good hack!" are not out to help you out with a few suggestions. We are. Noone's demanding you follow them though.

The easiest way to NOT get people's "demanding" critisism is to not post about your hack here. The treatment you just recieved - forum members chiming in with their opinions on your hack - is perfectly standard. Look around in other hack release threads. Noone with their head on straight would suggest that you should be able to do everything right in your first hack. Someone said that it theoretically should be done, yes, but it's foolish to hope for someone's first hack to be the best thing since sliced bread. And so we don't. Most of us don't, anyway. Same with the whole "I'm not getting paid" deal. None of us are getting paid. That's why we help eachother out. It goes without saying.

Last point. If you regard this the "minor league" or SMW hacking, where do you regard the "major league" is? This forum is the official forum for the editor every SMW hack is made in. The people you called hacking Gods, the people who made the hacks you love are generally speaking all hanging around here. (A few of them might not.) Without tooting the forum's horn here, I think we can safely deduce that this is as major as it's going to get.
Atma X
Posts: 546/801
wow , now I'm really starting to respect you (for handling the rest of the situation well,... most people Blow Up at everyone and get themselves banned).

I think what happened here is that Mutaion stated some problems in a way that could have sounded either a little suggesive or negative and it was taken the wrong way.

I think that listing problems isn't a very good way to criticize something with newer people,... and I say that only because when all someone does is list problems, it sounds like that person hate's their hack, therefore the intent of it is easily misinterpreted, unless you're used to the critsism that's usually given here)
I think giving a few complements along with the stated problems would greatly help the hacker to understand the intention of the critsism.

@High Flyin' Ryan: Yep, I was in your position 3 years ago (except I was making Ubber Impossible Levels [which are quite easy to me now ]).

You just have to get curious with stuff, and figure out as much as you can alone.
I was good with using Lunar Magic, Editing Graphics, Overworld Editing etc. before I came to Acmlm's Board, so my first publically released hack was pretty impressive (except for the fact that I haden't finished making very many of the Level Designs because I was too cought up with Editing the Graphics ).
So there was little gameplay (if any), but the stuff that I did do was definatley impressive (and this was after about two years of working with Lunar Magic).

@Kyouji: I resized it so it would be easier to see , and the Status Bar's Palette will be fixed soon. I had just thrown the Background's Palette together really fast and was going to fix it later,... whenever I got around to it ,... (it uses the same Palette as the Status Bar, but it doesn't use all of the colors, so I just need to rearrange it a little)
High Flyin' Ryan
Posts: 49/136
We got off on the wrong foot here, and you obviously got the wrong impression. Let's get this straight. DON'T REPLY N E MORE PLZ. K, thats that, now I know people like Atma X and Fu...the guy who created Lunar Magic and a few other people, Hidden Mario, and the guy who made Luigi's Adventures are like hacking Gods or geniuses, but no need to flame me on my first hack, I'm sorry I even announced it here in the MINOR leagues, but thought as my first hack thats where it should be. I appreciate good feedback, however I HATE <--capital word right there, i mean I really HATE people, you are just to fucking demanding and I think it'd be nice if I just said I'm Sorry right now for being a prick, but you have to put yourself in my position and realize that this was my first hack and I do plan to improve. Also, you have to remember, you were all NEW <--that being a keyword at Rom Hacking at one point or another, just remember how good you felt when you released your first hack, whether people hated it or loved it. This hack is for my online friends not a forum of people who criticized. Sure if you people payed me I would of put more time and effort into it, but then I could get sued for stealing from Nintendo. Anyway, I'm sorry some of you people don't have any respect for other peeps. But I'm sorry for acting like you in replies, so try not to reply any more, it stirs me up and I have to fire another reply out I think we should call truce right now. I'm sorry. Peace out.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2367/7620
Originally posted by Atma X

Those resized horribly, and you can't tell your time in that cave. Just saying
Atma X
Posts: 542/801
Originally posted by High Flyin' Ryan
Major league my ass. The only actual good hacks I've played here was Rob-Omb's quest and Luigi's Adventure (which is alomst impossible to beat :-P)

How's this for amateur (I know you haven't played it [because I haven't released it to the public yet], but don't assume that only a few good hacks could exsist here) .
The only reason that your seeing so many bad hacks is mostly because of all the newbies that keep posting their hacks (try the SMW hacks from the more experienced people at Acmlm's ).

Btw, This place has many more "Major League" SMW hacks than anything you or your buddies have produced (Hate to be an ass, but saying "Major league my ass" is only asking for trouble,... especially when it's directed towards a whole community).

But in your defense, maybe the words "Major League" (anyway, it wasn't me who said it) were a little extream.

(The Background isn't finished, I'm going to add a sky gradient in a little bit)

Posts: 19/38
I have been somewhat a silent observer of things on this board lately but on this affair, I think I should butt in......

Ryan: You stated the following in your first post in this thread:

Originally posted by High Flyin' Ryan

Feed back would be kool. has a definition for "feedback" as "an evaluative response:"
Meaning that someone is giving you their evaluation of your hack. You asked for it. You also stated:

Originally posted by High Flyin' Ryan

Please no flaming,

Now, you freaked out on some people that responded with feedback, proclaiming that they were flaming you. Let's take a look at some responses:

Originally posted by Mutation

(top row)
1st pic: What's with the mushrooms?
2nd pic: That area looks a bit too empty. Maybe you should put something in that area besides the Cobrat that's riding a Lakitu cloud.
3rd pic: Fix the background. And those cannons just don't look right.

(bottom row)
1st pic: Nice...but the koopas don't look right.
2nd pic: You put Luigi heads on all the chucks? And why is the goomba not hanging from his parachute properly?
3rd pic: I strongly suggest that you get a better Wario sprite than that. That one also looks too empty.

That's criticism, not flaming. He was telling you what was wrong so you can make it right.

Originally posted by Kratos Aurion

Anyway, High Flyin' Ryan, the lack of any real new graphics gives it a wholly unprofessional feel. (. . . )

Once again, we have someone simply telling you some flaws.

High Flyin' Ryan, if you are coming here simply expecting to get praise for hack that is not worthy of it, you have come to the wrong place.

Now, I didn't play your hack. In fact, I haven't ROM hacked for quite a long time, but I just had to butt in here. I'm not trying to be an asshole to you man, but it just irritated me as I read this and noticed you were kind of freaking out over honest, non-flaming criticism.

Anyway, good luck with your next hack, Ryan.

Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2361/7620
Originally posted by High Flyin' Ryan
Major league my ass. The only actual good hacks I've played here was Rob-Omb's quest and Luigi's Adventure (which is alomst impossible to beat :-P)
Someone was bound to say it eventually. To you I have to say: Demo World TLC was pretty good too. I liked JAMH. But you're mainly right.
High Flyin' Ryan
Posts: 48/136
Major league my ass. The only actual good hacks I've played here was Rob-Omb's quest and Luigi's Adventure (which is alomst impossible to beat :-P)
Cruel Justice
Posts: 359/1384
Acmlm is the major leagues far as SMW hacking is involved.
You're getting advice and suggestions from the cream of the crop here, don't take it for granted. Anyone could just SAY it was a nice hack. We're not doing this out of arrogance, mind you, we've just been exposed to several flashy hacks.
High Flyin' Ryan
Posts: 47/136
Not even close. I made it for all my online friends which there was only two from this board who I would actually consider to be friends. I just posted it here so that you peeps can play it if you want, but not criticize it in any bad way shape or form.
Posts: 133/212
Lemme guess, you made it so we can tell you what you need to improve on.
High Flyin' Ryan
Posts: 46/136
I can handle the heat, but once again, I didn't make it for the members of the board. Anyway, as far as suggestions go bud, thanks for the suggestions its just I'm not going to make a second release. I'm working on my 2nd hack now and it is guarentee'd to be 10x better.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2358/7620
Originally posted by High Flyin' Ryan
I repeat, don't judge a book by its cover. Play it before you decide to judge it. Once again my first hack. If I was actually getting paid for this I would have put a lot more time and effort into it. As it being my first hack I was just seeing what I could do with graphics, new levels and what not. There is a bunch of new sprites, all you have to do is play it to see that instead of judging screen shots. I'd really like to close this topic because I don't like being annoyed by people. I hate people, and people are so damn demanding, though I didn't realease this for the people, I released it for my friends because I told them I found a kool program called Lunar Magic. Like it or not, I don't give a rats ass, but I don't work for you people, and if you demand something of me, I'd better get something in return. I learn from my mistakes. My friend Computer Chris has been helping me out a lot, maybe instead of rude pricks posting bad remarks about screen shots, you'd make an offer to help. Then again I guess that's only something Computer Chris and Hidden Mario would do. Once again, I didn't make this hack for the people of this board, I only posted this so you would know I made my first hack if you want to try it. Don't rely on screen shots to give you the information you want, those screen shots are old and a lot has changed since those screen shots. If you HAVEN'T tried my hack, then please don't reply to this message, I'm irrated with people, hate people, and I really hate people who demand to much.
I did play it, actually, and I was only offering suggestions. How is it rude to offer suggestions?
Cruel Justice
Posts: 355/1384
Uh, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt here.
Everyone is bound to run into a few flames every now and then. But that right there was'nt a flame my friend. I and a few other individuals were only suggesting. Keep in mind, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them stink. If you cannot handle the heat, then get out of the board.
High Flyin' Ryan
Posts: 45/136
I repeat, don't judge a book by its cover. Play it before you decide to judge it. Once again my first hack. If I was actually getting paid for this I would have put a lot more time and effort into it. As it being my first hack I was just seeing what I could do with graphics, new levels and what not. There is a bunch of new sprites, all you have to do is play it to see that instead of judging screen shots. I'd really like to close this topic because I don't like being annoyed by people. I hate people, and people are so damn demanding, though I didn't realease this for the people, I released it for my friends because I told them I found a kool program called Lunar Magic. Like it or not, I don't give a rats ass, but I don't work for you people, and if you demand something of me, I'd better get something in return. I learn from my mistakes. My friend Computer Chris has been helping me out a lot, maybe instead of rude pricks posting bad remarks about screen shots, you'd make an offer to help. Then again I guess that's only something Computer Chris and Hidden Mario would do. Once again, I didn't make this hack for the people of this board, I only posted this so you would know I made my first hack if you want to try it. Don't rely on screen shots to give you the information you want, those screen shots are old and a lot has changed since those screen shots. If you HAVEN'T tried my hack, then please don't reply to this message, I'm irrated with people, hate people, and I really hate people who demand to much.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 353/1384
Not saying you did'nt try very well, but despite the changed graphics and all, from the looks of it, it's far too mundane and it does'nt impact me very much. And your title has no relevance to the levels you've showed us. I thought we'd see some flyin' bros or something, but this is just so medial I just don't know.

Good try however. I'll give you a few tips just to be fair:

-Learn to fill up negative space

-Try better, more unique graphics, sprites, foreground, anything. Smb3 and even Yi is getting far too old, show us something fresher, more singulaur.

-Add some flying bros in some levels to give yout title more of a meaning. You've already sent that message, and it's good. Otherwise, name it something else.

-Be more precise with your work. That means, no slap-job palettes or borrowing ExGFX. If you're not hard on yourself, other people will, and I cannot guaranteee you any teaparty chatter. Look at the comments above...
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2351/7620
Originally posted by High Flyin' Ryan
No need for criticism.
Beyond getting a better feel for how things work and being able to do things faster, How do you ever expect to improve if no one tells you what's wrong with your hacks? You'll just produce the same stupid things over and over again. There's ALWAYS need for criticism. Criticism is VITAL to making a good hack.

Originally posted by High Flyin' Ryan
Anyway, with all due respect that was my first hack, so after I was 75% finished, I didn't really know anything about changing ExGFX or GFX
You know, that really is a lame reason. Just because it's your first hack doesn't mean you can't do anything awesome. Just look at Just Another Mario Hack.
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