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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - ExGFX into the game?
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Posts: 187/782
The newbie thread has the answer to this question, if you scroll down to the Graphics section.
Mario Maniac
Posts: 179/281

I've started add backgrounds few days ago. I've saw

"that you must take a snapshot of BG you want and convert it to .pcx format and use a programm to reduce the number of colors. Now use Pic2Snes to create the necessary files. Enter at 16x16 editor, open M16-7K window and import the files to the game."

and it doens't work. Doing it the BG will take the places of the BG, tilesets and 75% of the standard sprites. If you leave the level and enter at it again, you will see a lot of garbage.

So I take the snapshot(s) and insert it directly into an Exgfx file. Of course I need to do the pallete and correct a lot of pixels, but to me is the only way. It take me 3,4 or 5 hours.
Posts: 36/164
I'm sorry, but I must have missed it, I've searched, and can't find anything. I only ask questions, post questoins, if it'a absoultly legitamit. If you could be kind to point me in the right direction, I'm sure I can understand it, and go from there. And no offense was taken either. I can totally understand how you feel about us Noobs. But I am one that does search, and only asks if I'm in a dyer situation. I still hope you'll, or someone, will point me in the right direction. Thank You :-)
Posts: 770/2082
Ya know what, I think all of the people that know what your doing, should just ignore these threads, not to be mean to infidelity, but most or all of these questions have been asked and have been answered, they just dont look for it. I say, everyone ignore the newbie threads, except for the designated newbie thread, who is with me!?
Posts: 34/164
Could I get the simple basic terms on how to create your own backround.

1. How
2. When you do, how do you get it to appear on your 16x16 tile editor, without any map16 files? and, how do you create your own map 16 files
3. Can you use .png .jpg still pictures to create a backround? I've been hearing you can take a screenshot, and make that as the backround. I tried loading the .png in YY-CHR, but it doesn't appear.

I would really like to know this, because I'm getting quite bored with the ExGFX workshop, and I'm very creative in the originality catagory, and would love to this! Thank You guys for your extensive help!!!!!
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2266/7620
*sighs* did you load the map16 file that should've come with the ExGFX? You need to do that and go in to the Add Objects window, go to Direct Map16 access, and load the proper page, then click on stuff and paste it in.

If there was no such file, you'll have to make it yourself. Good luck on that.

I don't use the stuff from the ExGFX Workshop anyway, I prefer to make my own... It generally comes out better anyway...
Posts: 1/46
I've tried several different tutorials on how to get the ExGFX into the game (about half of were detailed enough to help at all). I finally was able to insert them into the game, but now they look like garbage! How do I fix this?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - ExGFX into the game?


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