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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Programming. | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Looking for help to program a website in PHP
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Posts: 210/266
Hey guys

As some of you know I inherited GBGL-HQ, it's a gunbound tournament website.

I've taken on a mission to code a new layout, league system, etc... Which reuses the user database from the Invision power board we have.

The problem is, I don't have enough time to do the new scripts and the site is supposed to go live this week, so I want to split the task with someone who's experienced in PHP.

The site itself is pretty basic, basically the level of skill I need is someone who's capable of coding a message board like Acmlmboard from scratch. However the project will not have anything to do with making a message board.

What is done:
- User system
- Fetching gunbound usernames on the gunbound website (
- A team system (half done) where people can choose from a certain amount of teams, create teams, etc, to play in the 2 vs 2 tournament.
- Admin panel where you can post news

What needs to be done:
- Lots of stuff for teams, such as uploading a team logo, etc
- The league itself. The mysql table structure and general functioning of the league are already planned out. It will involve making a system for matchmaking where people can ask for matches on a challenge board, etc. Mini message boards for the teams, etc, and of course, admin features which allow us to change stuff
- The rest of the site: Wallpaper, guide, etc submission system, some other goodies which can wait

Your code doesn't need to be perfect, your code doesn't need to be nicely written, all I need is the job done, and as fast as possible.

You'll be part of the coding team on the site so you have access to all the admin stuff, you'll have FTP access, etc...

Familiarity with gunbound would be nice, although what I'll be asking to code won't require much knowledge of gunbound...

Oh yeah, this is not a paid position, however you'll get credit for your work :>

Hope there's someone out there who can help me out!!

*goes back to coding :x*
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Looking for help to program a website in PHP


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