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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - What about SMB2 Music?
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Posts: 352/971
The same? Dunno. As for me, it isn't. They just used similar chords on it. And the credit song, afaik, is in a separate bank because of it extraterrestrial size. That means, you'd have to asm some lot.
"Copy'n'paste" music import from other N-SPC games could be working (and I'm most probably gonna realize that, too), but that's not as easy for the samples. And there is enough room in the SPC for extra songs. LM's unused song bypass pointers don't point to nothing, they're just empty entries in the SPC song pointer table.
There actually was a soundpack of Bouche's having SMAS-SMB2 songs mapped to LM entries. I just can't remember where to get them.

...time for a good night's sleep...
Posts: 622/-2459
I really dont know if this will work, so dont flame if Im completly wrong.

Would it be possible to view a song using a hex editor and copy the entire thing over to SMW using a new bank or something? Then just make a code that will point and load that section.

And if you want SMB2 music in SMW, the credit song from the original game is the same song as the first would of SMB2. I dont know how to use it (theres no option for it in the level header bypass) but some asm would help.
Posts: 608/2082
That is true, but no one really knows how to just right-click copy-paste music from one game to another. In time it will be possible. Right now though, this thread is just going to start looking like those other music threads, so I suggest everyone leave the subject alone until something is posted about it.
Posts: 12/110
Well, there is plenty of music to rip from SMAS I think since theres 4 games to work.
Posts: 325/1261
You couldn't just shove 'em in the "empty" spots. The SPC700 doesn't have much RAM at all, and all the game's songs are loaded at the same time (except the overworld and ending tracks, which are separate banks), so there's probably very little room left to work with. Besides, SMAS uses a different sound engine anyway...
Posts: 607/2082
I know basically nothing about music editing in SMW, but this is what I have come to gather from previous threads. There is no empty music slots. In LM there are slots that say unused, but they don't actually poiint anywhere because there is no Music editor for SMW yet.
Posts: 11/110
I was wondering why hasnt anyone added more SMB2 music to the hacked music already? I know Bouche isn't doin it any more but it would be cool to have the music patch that was made with more SMB2 music than there was and put it in the empty music file spots. And the second music patch with the star music is a little weird...
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - What about SMB2 Music?


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