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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - More News on YNI (Screens and info)
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Posts: 528/1346
...I keep pouring up screenies...

FG palette is different... again...

The ending of 1-3. Making that little background thing was really easy...

Beginning of 1-4.

Layer 3 action!

A puzzle using a Goomba.

Uhhh... oops. I got flattened...
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 215/693
It looks really interesting. Nice work! The only bug I see is with the mushroom to the left. The base of it uses part of a cave floor, which you shouldn't used with the wooden platform. Otherwise, very good.
Posts: 525/1346
First off, one of my beta testers had a problem, so I now need a new beta...

Second, due to Hurricane Frances, I might not have a demo up anytime in the next few days unless I am really, really lucky...

Third, new screenie... still 1-3. It is a huge level...

A vertical climbing part...
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 208/693
Good job with the "eat away" takes a few tries to get it right. I have it also in my 1-5, and it took a while for it to be perfect. Nice work!
Posts: 524/1346

Hit the question mark...

...and you make the ledge go down.

And these are what Eggvine calls Small Mushrooms?
Posts: 76/1797
This is the most original YI hack I've ever seen!!!

But really, it looks great .
Posts: 518/1346
DZ: Ok, you will be my last beta tester...

So everyone... NO MORE BETA TESTERS ARE NEEDED! I have plenty now...
Dart Zaidyer
Posts: 21/72
If you need another tester, I guess I could help beta test for you depending on what you need. Stuff like general playthrough, wrangling the difficulty level, exploits, misaligns, theme and mood, errata, and whatnot. Speed running ability, however, is not something I care to do for YI.
Posts: 516/1346
Originally posted by Surlent
I hate layouts with scrollbars - my Firefox even won't let me put focus into that layout in here and I cannot use the mouse wheel

Sorry about that... next time I post pictures, I will remove the layout so the pics are easier to see... in fact I will do it now with the other posts I made here in this thread.
EDIT: WTF? I removed the layout in my first post and nothing happened...

Check your PMs, beta testers.

Surlent: Well, this isn't an autoscroll, but I will do one soon. I might have figured out how to work autoscrolls, but... haven't messed with them much. Once I do though, I will make really cool scroll levels.
Posts: 559/1077
I hate layouts with scrollbars - my Firefox even won't let me put focus into that layout in here and I cannot use the mouse wheel
As for the screens, they look nice and promising. Especially I put my hopes into the cave levels. I really enjoyed 6-5 in YI, one of the best autoscrolling levels ever. Once the different scroll commands are optimized (since they allow to move the screen also into the left direction and much more), I'd like to see comping up good and tricky autoscrollers too
Posts: 379/900
I wouldn't have any problem with testing it
Posts: 159/168
Originally posted by cpubasic13
I now have three beta testers... anyone else want to beta test this?

Yes please, I
Posts: 514/1346
Check your PMs. It should be there.

I now have three beta testers... anyone else want to beta test this?

And you know what the funny thing is? The IPS is a very few KBs and it works. It is less than 10 kilobytes... weird, isn't it?
Posts: 34/45
Looks very interesting, cpu. I definitely want to be a beta tester. PM me and I'll send you my email address (or pm the address, or whatever).
Posts: 512/1346
KATW: Well.. yeah I am using the bouncing up arrows a lot in the level... I guess...

GY: Oh, I forgot that palette. I will use it.

Seins: Uhh... that should be that way...
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 198/693
Harry the Hedgehog's cave looks really nice, probably the best screens I've seen of your hack. Good job with all the cave slopes and stuff. But for 1-1, to change it up a bit, try using the FG palette from 1-5, that goes good with the flower ground.
Posts: 1770/3959
It looks really good CPU... Use of HTH gets my attention

Are you using the big spring ball a few times in the cave? There are ways to make some really interesting puzzles with that
Posts: 851/1407
It looks good, particularly harry's hot cave. Theres only one thing I dislike: the color on the bg hills in the first screenshot. It looks a little... SMS?
Posts: 511/1346
Ckickenlump: Oh... never thought about that... I should remember that.

Mario Maniac: I am using Harry a lot in this level because, well... he was one of the neglected enemies in the original. He was used only in one level of the game, so I am trying to add him into more levels.

All: Thanks for the comments. There should be a demo released very shortly, but I would like beta testers to try this out. If you want to beta test, then feel free to go ahead and ask.
Posts: 814/1567
yeah, great job. i see originality in this hack!
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - More News on YNI (Screens and info)


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