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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Movies / TV / Entertainment: Abnormal Freak | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Farscape :: The Peacekeeper Wars
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Posts: 1048/2962
Hmm..never watched either of the I guess it would be kinda pointless..since I just got satelite back. I don't even know if I get Sci-fi. I think we do. It might be one of those channels in the basic pack.
Posts: 2736/5337
The show used to run on Sci-fi right after Stargate....but they couldn't afford to keep both shows, so they ended Farsacpe in a way, that pissed off all of it's fans.

Well, the fans won and Sci-fi is running a four hour movie/series to end it all.

The newest preview can be seen here.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Farscape :: The Peacekeeper Wars


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