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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Online Gaming - EverQuest II
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Posts: 3407/5657
Oh my god, what the fuck, barbeque.
Posts: 5818/11302
Doesn't FFXI force you to group... oh... like, by Level 10?

I don't have WoW yet. Eventually. But the player community there is surprisingly good according to reviews, and it just won Gamespot's Game of the Year award across all platforms.
Posts: 3394/5657
You should have gone with WoW. Ryan just got it and witeasprinwow is thinking of getting it. Yarx and I both play and Colin has plans on getting it as well.

That, and it's superior. >=D
Posts: 3814/5337
That's why I never did FF11. Bah...I don't mind grouping with people that I know, but Nsnick isn't on that much, my fiance plays, but until my computer is ready, we have to play at different times, and Chris' brother who lives in VA plays, but he's only lvl 11 right now, whereas I'm at 21, almost 22, so he wouldn't get any XP for it.

There's this series of quests that you can go on to get better armor, but you must group because they are hard. But I swear, it's like pulling teeth trying to get a group, and a decent one, without some gun-ho kid as the leader who gets everyone killed.
Posts: 3374/5657
Originally posted by Anya
Hmmmm...I'm actually getting a bit pissed at EQ2, because you have to group up with other people so much.

Welcome to the shitty world of forced grouping. If you like that, you'll LOVE FFXI.

I hate when mmorpgs do this. I don't group.
Posts: 3810/5337
Hmmmm...I'm actually getting a bit pissed at EQ2, because you have to group up with other people so much. And I tend to get into the bad groups where it either dibands too fast or someone gets chicken shit and runs off in the middle of the fight.

Hopefully they'll fix it to where you can fight alone more and still get a decnet amount of XP.

Also, it's double XP days this weekend.
Posts: 689/1757
ive seen people play the first everquest, and it looked pretty amazing, but seeing the second one, it looks pretty awesome...too bad I dont have enough money, im saving it all for a new computer...maybe when I get money after, ill have to give it a try..
Posts: 3477/5337
Yea, I had 512 of mem and we just got another 512 and Chris/Dryden fixed a few other things and the game runs soooo smooth now. Too bad I've been too busy to play it.
Posts: 5149/12781
How much memory do you have on your computer, Anya? 512mb?

And I
Posts: 3470/5337
Yea, but who said that you can't become evil?

And I want to play more, but I need some more memory. Its laggy for me at times. I just need one more stick too! Or at least $80 worth.
Posts: 1336/3875
Why, I'm NSNick, of course. I don't know how often I'll be on, though. And I'm good, though after seeing that I can't be an Assassin now, I kinda wish I went evil. But then I couldn't be a halfling.
Posts: 3468/5337
YAY!!! If you want, add me to your friend/buddy list and I'll do the same once I get your name. Also...are you good or evil? Because you start out in a different city depending on what side you are...but everyone ends up on that island at first.
Posts: 1333/3875
Well, I made a character, since it was 6am and my friend was asleep, but after I finished the tutorial and it tried to login to plunk me down on the Isle of Refuge, no dice. It would seem all the servers are down for the time being. Grr.

I did make my character on the Najena server, though. Huzzah!
Posts: 5052/12781
Say, is this game complicated like...if there
Posts: 3456/5337
You get the first month free, and after that, its $14 a month and if you want to play for the whole year, its $149, I believe. The game itself (if you want the special edition, where you get a baby dragon once you are settled) is around $80 or so and the regular is about $50.
Posts: 306/1797
How much is an account? I really should get this .

Never been a fan of Everquest, but this really looks great.
Posts: 3448/5337

I just got off of the ship.

Urg, the controls are a bit hard to get used to and it's a bit laggy. Me thinks I need more memory in that computer.

a-ha! Had too much running in the background. Its running so much better...but now Chris won't let me play.
Posts: 1314/3875
My friends are out getting the game right now, so I just might make a character on their account (yay mooching!). I'll try to get them to join the Najena server.
Posts: 3447/5337
Alright, Chris and I are on the same server Najena and I'm as Anya and he is Dryden. So if you join up, get on the same server as I!!!!
Posts: 3443/5337
It was only for Halo 2, since the shipment for EQII didn't come in until this morning.

Just got our copy and it's installing now. It was $89, but I turned in some old games, and I had credit from before, so all we paid was about $30 and change.
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