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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Programming. | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Free .NET alternative
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Posts: 318/1757
So far sharp Develope has been awesome i havent ran into any bugs yet. but ifI had I would probably use it instead, but I dont, so ill stick with it
Posts: 98/782
Heh, I thought this post was going to be about Mono. I've tried Sharp Develop since the early versions (since before it had a form designer), but I still prefer Visual Studio .NET. Or even Borland's C# Builder. It just seems to buggy for my liking, and the lack of an integrated debugger is a bit of a pain. And the fact that the so-called Import Visual Studio Project has never worked.

Apart from those, it is usuable enough for those people who haven't got VS .NET.
Posts: 311/1757
Yeah, I dont have vs.NET so I did some searching and came up with that, I think its amazing, its written in C# itself, and its so far great.
Posts: 285/722
Looking at the screenshots, it looks as if the developers have done an amazing job! It looks very similar in design and functionality to the vs.NET interfaces.

I'm in the process of learning C#, and if I didn't already have, I'd download this. It looks great.
Posts: 309/1757
I found a great IDE for programming C# and VB.NET and even java built in, its called Sharp Develope, and its even open source, and all you need to compile is the .NET framework, beats paying for Visual Studio .NET and its only 25 or so MB's and its fully featured, and works great, just thought I would let you guys know. url is all it took to find was a google, then a look at something) but its awesome if you dont want to pay for VS.NET
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Free .NET alternative


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