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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - can you help me hack a rom?
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Posts: 11/11
Posts: 283/722
When making a new rom hack, you don't upload the whole game on the net for people to download. It's a legal grey area, but for safety's sake, we will call it illegal. To get your hack into a format that people can download, you need to get your hack into a patch. An ips patch is a small file containing the differences between your hacked rom and the original, so people download your patch, apply it to their roms' and *boom* they have your hack. And it's legal.

Go here to download the best ips patch maker.

(another great site by the way... )

If you are going to make this a hobby, bookmark everything, and sort your bookmarks out at least once a week.
Posts: 10/11
thanks. after i hack one later, if i can get it on the internet, i'll tell you how to get to it and check it out
Posts: 282/722

Following the links I gave you led me here. It's a work in progress Megaman editor made by Dan. Bookmark his site if it interests you, there is much more there than just that.

There are more documents and stuff available elsewhere, but this is an example of how usefull link pages are.

Gavin is always one step ahead

Posts: 91/799
good advice chickenlump

Originally posted by megaman16
Thanks. and i was looking to hack a megaman rom

and here:

you will find a few megaman editors there.
Posts: 308/1757
the only universal editor is a hex editor, thats one of the first things you should learn to use...
Posts: 281/722
No, no money is required to hack any rom. None. All tools and editors are freeware.
It's a great hobby. You can do something simple like make Mario bald-headed, or change the way a game works, by changing the programming or assembly of the game. Some hacking is harder than others. Graphics edits are the easiest to do, so many start there. Graphics editors for the rom hacking world are called Tile Editors. There are many, so try them all, read their documentation, and keep and use the ones you like.

You can edit the text in games also, that's fairly easy as well, but still takes some studying up on and learning and experimentation, but it all does really.
All games are different, no two games have their data, graphics or otherwise, in the same spot, so you won't find any universal game editors. The hardest thing to do in rom-hacking is music changing, so there are few if any music editors or tools available, and the amount of people asking for a music editor or swapper might make a few people here snap at you (as a reflex action, I'm sure).

Posts: 9/11
Thanks. and i was looking to hack a megaman rom
Posts: 90/799
Originally posted by megaman16
why is no one on this web site serious? forums are supposed to be able to help people, im not being helped. you guys fucking suck. and so does this whole website! i asked one fucking question and no one will answer me seriously. you're just a bunch of fucking assholes!

it's because people are fucktards and they're too lazy to offer any real help. pay no attention to those idiots

so what exactly is it that you would like to do, maybe if you specifiy what game or what type of hack i can helpe
Posts: 306/1757
true, but maybe, he could have asked for a specific game, that would have saved that whole messy beginning, well anyway welcome to the world of rom hacking

edit: no, most utilities are free, there are very few that cost money. and then again, some require hex editing, but there are many good freeware hex editors.
Posts: 8/11
then let me at least ask this... will i need to buy any software to hack a rom?
Posts: 280/722
Originally posted by Chaosflare
or, the least you could have done was ask a more specific questions not "How do I hack a rom" ......

I took one look at his post and knew immediatly he was a beginner.
How can you be specific if you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?
I mean honestly.

Posts: 7/11
see, thats all i wanted. a little bit of help. thank you. i didnt want stupid stuff like " oh, plug it into your ass and the other end into your nes ;brain hacking'" that pissed me off. but thank you to the people that gave me useful advise.
Posts: 305/1757
or, the least you could have done was ask a more specific questions not "How do I hack a rom" ......
Posts: 279/722

Read alot of the documents there, they are mostly for beginners.
Read the entire website, click all the links, read the message board threads (all of them if you have to), you get the general idea. Just like here, start clicking, looking, read everything posted and linked to.

There are more sites to look through here :

It's a giant list being compiled by Gavin, listing many many rom-hacking sites.
Most of the tutorials will ask you to use a hex editor, so find one that you like and keep it handy. Almost all of them are free (there's a few that aren't, but don't worry about them).

That's how I got started, just find a place, click it's links, and click the following links, and read everything along the way.

After a few days, you'll start to get the gist of things.

And ignore the responses that aren't helpfull. Not everyone is helpfull. (not everyone is rude either, but today, there seems to be a non-helpful-useless-person influx in effect )
Posts: 254/885
Well for one, it might help if you did a bit of research on your own. Asking how to hack NES roms is a very ambiguous question and cannot be answered in one post. No one can "show" you how to do it. Go to Google and do a few searches (such as, "Mega Man ROM Hacking"). When you've done some research, come back with some specific questions.
Posts: 6/11
why is no one on this web site serious? forums are supposed to be able to help people, im not being helped. you guys fucking suck. and so does this whole website! i asked one fucking question and no one will answer me seriously. you're just a bunch of fucking assholes!
Posts: 900/2216
Originally posted by megaman16
no, im serious

He is too. How do you think those naked pictures of DOA:Volleyball characters got on the net? Brainhacking. I got the Kasumi ones =D
Posts: 5/11
no, im serious
Posts: 335/1139
First, you get a speaker cable/headphone extension cable.

Stick one end in your ear. Yeah, your ear. up your nose works well too, and the other head in the nes headphone jack.

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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - can you help me hack a rom?


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