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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Super FuSoYa World (New Screens)
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Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 1756/7620
You want to see more pics, do you?

Posts: 44/46
I want to see more pics.
Posts: 256/896
But Kyouji, this is a game we're talking about, and it would therefore be natural to expect that future game appearances by FuSoYa would have him looking similar to his first appearance.

Of course he could be wearing Mikami's swimsuit as well, but I suspect a wrinkly old dude like Fu would be a little embarrassed about that.
Posts: 273/722
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw
FuSoYa almost certainly doesn't wear robes. You need to distinguish between an avatar clearly taken from FFVI and the person behind that avatar. I mean, look at my avatar. And custom title, while we're at it. Do you really think I look like that?

FuSoYa the sprite made no appearence in FFVI. His only home (untill hacked otherwise) is FFIV.

(yeah yeah, probably a typo, but I couldn't let it slide. )

And yeah, unless there's a picture to tell us otherwise, FuSoYa in person wears a blue robe, and has a long white beard.
Posts: 267/2273
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw
FuSoYa almost certainly doesn't wear robes. You need to distinguish between an avatar clearly taken from FFVI and the person behind that avatar. I mean, look at my avatar. And custom title, while we're at it. Do you really think I look like that?

Accually, until I see a picture of somebody, I use his/her avatar to identify that person. In other words: For me, an avatar is what the person looks like until I see what's behind it.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 1725/7620
FuSoYa almost certainly doesn't wear robes. You need to distinguish between an avatar clearly taken from FFVI and the person behind that avatar. I mean, look at my avatar. And custom title, while we're at it. Do you really think I look like that?
Posts: 253/896
Accidentally posted this in the wrong spot yesterday, regarding gravity hacking:

There's a Japanese SNES game, Ghost Sweeper Mikami something-or-other, with varying gravity, which at the time was the coolest effect. The heroine, whose job is to fight ghosts while wearing a skimpy bathing suit, has to battle the final boss in a kind of dream world, in which the gravity shifts every few minutes, making certain areas unreachable at times. I imagine something like this could be done for lunarscapes, but please keep FuSoYa in his regular robes!
Posts: 35/736
Originally posted by Keikonium
Just a few things to point out: 1. On that tall ground ledge thing in the middle. the cornor on the left needs to be changed. It has brown dirt stuff on the tip. It needs to look like the right one.

I'll fix that up ASAP
Cruel Justice
Posts: 152/1384
I can understand if you are a beginner at Mario World hacking ( you should've seen the stuff I used to make! ). I think you may need a little practice in level design and you'll turn out fine in the end. The one above is far too simple for first looks; nowadays with all the flashy graphics, asm code and all that, you kinda see this to be a tad underwhelming. I am not gonna eat you up and spit you out about it though, which is why I anticipate this hack as well as the other ones. If you want some tips on level design, try PMing me or someone with a lot of experience, (cpubasic13, FPI Productions, FuSoYa) they can help you out. If you want to figure things out on your own like I did, that's great too! With that all being said, good luck on your hack .
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 1714/7620
As for 3, You couldn't do that with just a palette hack, you'd need a little ASM. Which is something I don't think Luigi-San can use.
Posts: 234/-2459
Just a few things to point out:

1. On that tall ground ledge thing in the middle. the cornor on the left needs to be changed. It has brown dirt stuff on the tip. It needs to look like the right one.

2. Shouldn't the title of the hack be larger that the person's name and copyright? And be a different color?

3. The press start thing is cool. I am not familiar with palette hacks (I don't even know exactly what they are) but I know that it somewhat animates things like in SDW: TLC (the title changes color). Anyway, It would be cool to make the PRESS START flash, so it is there and then gone, then there, then gone.

4. Could you included some Overworld screenshots?
Posts: 34/736
Update: I changed the Title screen level and recorded the movements.

Posts: 102/303
The title screen demo is just a placeholder, probably. And isn't Acmlm based off Mario? So you should play as Luigi (haha) or FuSoYa. Or if you can swing it with SMAS+SMW, both.
Darth Coby
Posts: 729/1371
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw
Actually Coby, I have advance knowledge (read: I went back and checked the previous thread on this) that the story is "Ack! The Lunar Magic Source Code was stolen by Acmlm and his cohorts! You got to go get it back!"

Oh, ok then, but then I'd still like to see a character sprite change.
Posts: 271/722
I wonder if FuSoYa sits back and reads this forum with a big smile, or it has grown old after so long. If people made hacks about me, I'd be laughing till milk came out of my nose (regaurdless of wether or not I drank milk...heh).
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 1705/7620
Actually Coby, I have advance knowledge (read: I went back and checked the previous thread on this) that the story is "Ack! The Lunar Magic Source Code was stolen by Acmlm and his cohorts! You got to go get it back!"
Darth Coby
Posts: 727/1371
On topic of Fusoya related theme,
if your story is something along the lines of "Mario has to save Fusoya who has been kidnapped by Bowser." then don't do it. It's not a cool story.
Posts: 681/919
A gravity hack would be cool... kind of like the Game Genie codes for some of the Sonic games...

Anyway, I'll be honest. That really doesn't remind me of FuSoYa.
Posts: 496/1567
Matticoloto was making a gravity hack, wasn't him? Did he ever released a demo, it'd be cool to play Mario in low-gravity
Posts: 249/896
I think it should take place on the moon, with gray and starry backgrounds.

Oh, and with 1/6 gravity. Gotta hack that in.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Super FuSoYa World (New Screens)


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