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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - ROM translating
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Private Adamant
Posts: 241/551
Well.. Another, perhaps simpler, way (especcially if you can't write japanese, like me), is to edit the text graphic into letters and symbols first, then making a table file and, by using the edited rom along with the original one, translate each line of dialouge by reading it in the original, checking what gibberish the character spout in the roman letter version you created, and then changing it around in a hex editor.

I suck at explainig things, btw. Hopefully you understood what I meant.
Posts: 83/799
Originally posted by Heian-794
Gavin, the original text reads, approximately: "Who the hell are you!?"

hey thanks Heian, that's awesome

...speaking of that.. check your PM bud
Posts: 203/896
Gavin, the original text reads, approximately: "Who the hell are you!?"
Posts: 82/799
also you might want to check out right about here:, it has Katakana, Hiragana, and some Kanji characters.

Nice and easy way to do this, i was messing with Grand Master (J) last night: opened the pattern table viewer, matched up the letters on the screen with their pattern table value equivilants and wrote them down:


simple search in a hex editor, and found it

then changed it.. as i currently cannot read japanese to something a little less accurate:
Posts: 189/896
Translhextion will handle hiragana and katakana correctly.

Another option is, once you figure out which codes correspond to which kana, to create a table using romanized kana so that you don't have to worry about font issues.
Watermeleon Wearer
Posts: 15/15
Heres a little warning.I went on and clicked on 6502 Microprocessor.the page opened about the 6502 Microprocessor thing.But then the page redirected me to another site and my anti-virus program warned me of a virus.My anti-virus said it was a JS/Psyme virus.
Posts: 240/1261
Ringo, if you don't know the answers, or can't give a sufficiently helpful answer, don't post. You're not being helpful at all.
Posts: 14/46
If you want to work with a good Programm here:
You can use it in german or in English!
With the program you can use Katana and Hiragana!
have fun
Posts: 4/19
Thanks parasyte.That really helped alot.
Posts: 99/514
What moronic answers. He is trying to translate the game, probably into English. That would mean there is no English version of the game.

To answer your question, yedsfaq, you should probably start with a relative search program. There are a few different ones available from (and even a few hex editors available with relsearch features) There are also some documents available which can help you get started. Go here for those:
Specifically, I recommend checking out this page, which shows you one way to use a relsearch to find Japanese text:
Posts: 53/281
Then view the text in Japanese. Or get the English version of the game.
Posts: 3/19
It's in Japanese!!!!!!! On an english hex editor it looks like jiberish and I dont know what word is the one i'm looking for.
Posts: 1184/3959
Originally posted by yedsfaq
I would but I dont Know the address for the stuff I want to hack and I dont know how to find it.
Do a full text search of the rom with a hex editor... use a key word from what you want to edit and go from there.
Posts: 2/19
I would but I dont Know the address for the stuff I want to hack and I dont know how to find it.
Posts: 52/281
Use a hex editor.
Posts: 1/19
Can anyone here tell me how to search for the text in a game so I can change it how I see fit?I've been asking a lot of people and no one gives me a straight answer.Much appreciated.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - ROM translating


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