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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Movies / TV / Entertainment: Abnormal Freak | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Radio
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Posts: 372/2962
Lol, no. It doesn't matter.

The radio sucks though. It sucks too if you don't have many new CD's. I have a lot from the last few years but not many from this year. Before I was stuck with just the radio because both our CD players broke. We had 2 and we bought a newer one but now we got a new lil boom box which doesnt have much bass but at least it works alright
Posts: 1419/12781
Well, I don
Super Sion
Posts: 879/2472
Thats exactly the way it is with me.
Posts: 363/2962
It's weird how sometimes when I get a new CD and stuff and I skip over a song and think "eh, it's okay" then I end up hearing it over and over on the radio and then I start to like it . It's a good thing for awhile until they play the song out.
Super Sion
Posts: 870/2472
I thought this thread was about the movie Radio, hilarious by the way.

I only listen to the radio when Im in the car, when Im inside or walking around with a Walkman its pure Cds.
Posts: 1147/8392
Not as of late...I usually have it on if I'm ever driving solo. I mean just a few years ago when I had my Probe that was the only thing I could listen to really...course, WQLZ in the mornings kicked ass...actually they kicked ass all the's a shame I moved up here...but at least there's still one or two stations up here that are 'relatively decent'.

And for a second there...I thought this was gonna be about that one Cuba Gooding Jr. movie...
Posts: 342/919
About half the time in the car we listen to the radio... mainly the sports ones.
Posts: 2394/11162
I always listens to the Radio in the car, other than that I never listen to it.

Thought it have happened a few times that I have been listining on Internet radio.
Posts: -4056/-863
"Huh... radio? What's going on with that radio...?" -Harry Mason

Almost never. Occasionally during sleep, but not often. More than TV though, heh...

At most, mabye ... oh, mabye 4 days a month
The SomerZ
Posts: 362/862
I listen to the radio if I'm in the car and some important sports event is on. Other than that, I don't listen to it a lot. I prefer CDs
Posts: 220/687
If I'm on my computer, then I'm listening to the radio. Rarely, I get fed up with the crap, or the signal goes out, and I listen to a CD I burned. Monday nights, I turn on the TV to watch RAW, so the radio is off then, and Tuesday through Thursday, I watch Adult Swim, so the TV is on then, too. Same for Saturday night, when I watch SmackDown!, and Sunday, when I watch Adult Swim.

The radio is set to an 80's station, and they have a very limited playlist. Once every few hours, they play a really good song. More often than not, they play Prince or Bruce Springstien, both of whom suck majorly.
Posts: 766/1173
At work last summer and winter, there was always a radio on at low volume near me (in a phone), locked on one station ... it was fine at first, the songs weren't bad, but then as the same few songs kept coming back, it got pretty boring ... not to mention I could hardly hear anything else than the singer, making the songs even more boring than they'd normally be, and I had to live with that for months

And the songs they play now are still almost the same as last year ... and of course there's also the same few commercials, and some other thing during lunch time that played its short intro song (5-10 seconds) about 5 times within a hour ... after a while, I got bored enough that I wrote down the times to see if there was any pattern to them, and there was) I even made up stupid deformed lyrics for some parts of songs, to make them somewhat funner

But here with my full radio set where it sounds better, I actually don't mind listening to the radio once in a while
Posts: 1241/5337
I've noticed that...I would d/l songs from bands that I think I will like and then later on, while driving to work, I'll hear it over the radio.
Posts: 366/1477
Back when all I had in my car was the radio, I'd stick to just University of New Haven's station or ESPN Radio. Since I got the CD player put in and the local "new rock" station (which was pretty much crap anyway) switched formats, I haven't listened at all. Don't need them to find out about new bands, and if I find one from them, it's rare that I haven't already heard of them.
Posts: 1236/5337
Urg...I still have the factory radio in my old car, so no tape player and no CD player, so when I drive my car (usually only to work), I'm stuck with the radio and I'm usually changing the channels the whole way to work. If it's not the same songs over and over again, then it's those annoying commericals.
Posts: 347/2962
Who listens to the radio? I know a few people who don't like to, CD's are good too but I just need more to give to my music needs. I'm starting to get really tired of it. They play the same songs every few hours at the same time every day . Every once in awhile when I'd turn on the radio when I was going to bed, that same song might have been on the day before . What was the longest time you've listened to the radio?

When I went camping and had nothing else to do I listened to the radio the whole time all day. That song by Will Smith back in the late 90's Just the Two of Us played 6+ times a day. It was sweet but by the end of the trip whenever I heard it, it made me want to throw the radio in the lake.
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