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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Game Boy Camera
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Posts: 326/1068
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
You're to loudo convert them all to gifs or PNGs. What?

Size isn't the issue.
"It loads for me if I view in another window. Because I don't load BMPs."
That's what we in the business like to call "reading".

yeah, sorry, and I am to lousy to convert them to something else.
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 735/3271
You're to loudo convert them all to gifs or PNGs. What?

Size isn't the issue.
"It loads for me if I view in another window. Because I don't load BMPs."
That's what we in the business like to call "reading".
Posts: 325/1068
'cause I'm to loudo convert them all to gifs or PNGs. (JPG sucks for black and white little pictures).

And each pic is 7.11 KBs.

Donkey Kong

If you look closely, you'll recognice the shadow of the oldes video game monkey knwon to mankind. Donkey Kong.

Picture taken a long after I put my D.K. figure on there. 'cause I never recogniced the shadow on the wall till a friend of mine pointed it out.
Posts: 1195/12781
Now, it shows up perfectly... Must be Firefox or something else...

I have a NES aswell but I don
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 726/3271
It has nothing to do with it not being a JPG, Neko.
It loads for me if I view in another window. Because I don't load BMPs. Because they fucking SUCK. Why don't you convert it to something else?
Posts: 1186/12781
The pictures doesn
Posts: 322/1068
No, I never tried any blur.

And sorry for bumping, I just don't want to recreate this thread.

Dreamcast and NES

some years ago, when my Dreamcast was still young, I had her next to my NES in a cupboard, but don't worry, I never run her when the door was closed.
Posts: -4754/-863
Originally posted by Alucard
Yeah...I have a Gameboy Camera...Never got the printer though...'twas a shame really
You just punted a 2+ (3?) week old thread back to the top with probably one of the lamest replies given.

Regardless, this image reminds me of the path to the boss room-- just without the bright light -- in the Alt. School in Silent Hill 1

By the way, have you tried using any blur function on an image viewer?
Posts: 13/87
Yeah...I have a Gameboy Camera...Never got the printer though...'twas a shame really
Posts: 165/12781
Originally posted by KawaiiImoto-e

Re 4/4

This is a Re 4/4, A Locomotive of the SBB CFF FFS. It's used for both, Cargotrains and Public Transportation.

The Panorama isn't good, 'cause I was in a hurry, my train was allreaedy ariving, and I just did want this Lok on my Camera.

I have to make a new one of her...

Hmm...i can see that the panorama isn
Posts: 110/1068

Re 4/4

This is a Re 4/4, A Locomotive of the SBB CFF FFS. It's used for both, Cargotrains and Public Transportation.

The Panorama isn't good, 'cause I was in a hurry, my train was allreaedy ariving, and I just did want this Lok on my Camera.

I have to make a new one of her...
Posts: 16/112
Wow I love that panorma pic!! so cool! And your chinese clothes! Me wants to steal themmm Cool glowines with the afterburner things.. Ive never had a gameboy, but that camera would be fun.
Posts: 102/1068

My Workspace in the Office

Ever wondered how my office looks like? Give it a look. It's a good ol' 19" inch CRT with alot of space around it, for papers, notices, comments, Post-Its, a phone, the only scanner in the company and of course, my Game Boy.

I took the Picture during Lunch yesterday. Played a little around, that's one of the pictures taken in my office, and the first, if that matters.

Game Boy Advance with Afterburner installed

Yeah, I do that sometimes, just play in the dark for the Afterburner of it. Comes a little creepier for Metroid or Castlevania-Games.

The Picture shows one of my two Game Boy Advances with a installed Afterburner, and they really glow like that in the dark.
Posts: 55/1342
from what I can tell, you look quite nice in that picture I;m gonna try taking a few of my own and see what becomes of them
Posts: 91/1068

Imoto in some chinese clothing

Yeah.. it's again. ME! They're not much pictures of my, wich are not taken while I'm cosplaying or using a Game Boy Camera, so enjoy this shots.

This picture, like the last selfportrait, was taken with an arm outstreched and the Camera facing me (Not even remotly difficult with a Game Boy Camera).
Posts: 54/1342
wow, that's actualy a pretty neat idea I'll have to try it out if I can find my cheat device lying aorund somewhere
Posts: 90/1068
Originally posted by MajinBlueDragon ever try taking pictures on a gb color (or advance even, dosnt work well with sp though ) and messing with the pallets? can be quite interesting the results

I found a way to take Pictures with the Game Boy Advance SP without hassle.
And I only use the < + B color sheme.

And I take my pictures with one of my Game Boy Advances.

Game Boy Advance SP with Game Boy Camera

With a Cheat Cartridge, you can use the Game Boy Camera almost perfectly on a Game Boy Advance SP

The Picture shows only the head of the Camera and the downside of the Game Boy Advance SP
Posts: 77/1068
@Neotransotaku: It's the Dog form Duck Hunt, may that helps.


A pakage of the postal kind, it's big and yellow. And sometimes even heavy.

I took the picture in the post office, before I had to give the thing to the office lady.
Posts: 52/12781
Woah! The first pic is blurry. I can
Posts: 73/1068

The Light at the end of the tunnel

It's said, that when you die, you are in a black nothingness and then see the light, like a light at the end of a tunnel.

This corridor does surprisingly look like that every afternoon, and armed with my Game Boy Camera, I took that shot.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Game Boy Camera


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