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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Kirby and the Amazing Mirror *SPOILERS*
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Posts: 1515/11302
...Just post links to the pictures instead. Problem solved.

...I want Green Kirby.
Posts: 926/12781
I would HIGHLY appreciate if you guys could use Spoiler Tags instead of shouting out secrets and stuff...

I MAY be getting this game, ya know...
Posts: 1970/3392
Originally posted by Kirbynite
Someone should really edit in "Spoilers" into the title

I was just thinking that...

Do spoiler tags cover up pics too?

EDIT: scratch that question. They don't
Posts: 203/1366
Someone should really edit in "Spoilers" into the title

I really like the white Kirby with the bright red shoes.... Dunno why..

And to my recollection, I think this game was pretty hard... Well.. that is.. until I beaten the game and figured out how to do things properly. I found out that there was a reason why they gave you all those lives throughout the game. It was to let you get by the final boss. I must've lost 20 lives or so... I was pretty close to a game over, I know that... But after playing several times, and learning how to abuse Sir Meta Knight's sword properly, I can get through without losing a life.
Posts: 1785/11162
Even if it's just for estecial feature, that's very nice. I love games when you can change looks on your charachter so it fits you. Sure it's only colours...
Posts: 1934/3392
Yea, Ailure's right. With all the extra waiting that the Europeans have to do with most games, they deserve to have a game released there before the U.S. does every now and then. And Ailure, about your question with painting, you know how I said that to get 100% you have to collect all the treasures? Well, some of the treasures are cans of spray paint, and you that is how you change the color of your playable Kirby. I'll take a pic of my colored Kirby sometime and upload it.

EDIT: as I promised, here's some colored Kirbies.

Ice blue Kirby

Black Kirby And that weapon he's holding is the final weapon. Fyxe, you may not be able to play as Metaknight, but you do get access to his weapon for the whole game once you beat the game.

Gray Kirby fighting that magician... whom we named Tomguy.

Green Kirby (the one holding the sword)

So, there you have it! Painted Kirbies!
Posts: 1761/11162
Originally posted by Kirby PopStar
But... I heard it is coming out in Europe before it comes out in the US. What's up with that?!?
We deserve that, honestly. Most games get's releasedd later here.
Kirby PopStar
Posts: 71/431
Yes, one of the greatest features of this game is painting Kirby all kinds of different colors!

I own the Japanese version of this game, and I really enjoy it! I have also played the English version at E3 and I enjoy that too!

But... I heard it is coming out in Europe before it comes out in the US. What's up with that?!?
Posts: 1759/11162
Originally posted by Kefka
>Inventory crap
Posts: 1920/3392
Breaking the language barrier:

Part 1 (final part): the menu

Select file
Posts: 1490/11302
I have it but that's only because someone else wanted it.

I do prefer my games in English though if that option's available, thank you very much.
Posts: 241/1139
I like how you can get all his melee powers all nicely packed in one ability.
Posts: 1851/3392
Originally posted by Colin
Apparently this is coming out at the end of the month in Europe. True?

If so, I'll try it out then. You know, get rid of the language barrier and all.

The game's pretty fun even with the language barrier. You should try out the rom NOW!
Posts: 1478/11302
Apparently this is coming out at the end of the month in Europe. True?

If so, I'll try it out then. You know, get rid of the language barrier and all.
Posts: 76/815
Originally posted by Kefka
And JDavis, I heard that Master and Crazy hand use seperate sprites in the game! Is this true? It would make no sense for that to be the case!

False. They're the same sprites. Just flipped.

Edit: Oh, but there are some sprites which are only used by Master and Crazy hand as a pair, and not by the Master Hand miniboss. The clapping thing. Because it's hard to clap with just one hand
Posts: 1202/2857
This game looks pretty good.

I think I might pick it up sometime, which would be a first for a Kirby game, but for whatever reason I feel drawn to it.

omg it's my karma.
Posts: 1843/3392
Originally posted by Waddler-D
Hmmm... I really have to try this out sooner or later. While I knew that it was going to turn out to be a very good Kirby game, I had no idea it was going to be a non-linear, treasure hunt Kirby game. That's really interesting to know. Maybe if I can save up, I could buy a GBA and that game, along with a few wanted others and I'll be set.

So... is the game set up so that it's just connected together like in Metroid or is there at least some overworld map that are connected to the other areas?

The world is all together, like in Metroid. However, you can press certain switches to create a passage to the "main overworld" which has all of those passages. This just makes it convenient obviously to go to different areas. And Ziff, no need to worry about difficulty. It is a lot harder than like, all the other Kirby games, IMO.

EDIT: I was thinking of making the KA world altogether after I played this game
Posts: 853/12781
Wow! This game seems to be great! I
Posts: 87/442
Hmmm... I really have to try this out sooner or later. While I knew that it was going to turn out to be a very good Kirby game, I had no idea it was going to be a non-linear, treasure hunt Kirby game. That's really interesting to know. Maybe if I can save up, I could buy a GBA and that game, along with a few wanted others and I'll be set.

So... is the game set up so that it's just connected together like in Metroid or is there at least some overworld map that are connected to the other areas?
alte Hexe
Posts: 622/5458
Hmmmm, that seems like quite a cool game...

The graphics look nice and crisp, just like NiD, and the enemy bosses look pretty damned cool. I wonder if they're going to jack up the difficulty though...I went through NiD with 87% completion in under 4 hours.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Kirby and the Amazing Mirror *SPOILERS*


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