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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Movies / TV / Entertainment: Abnormal Freak | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Troy
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Posts: 899/5337
Saw the movie about two weeks ago, not that bad, not the greatest movie either. The fighting scenes were done very well, thankfully.
Posts: 925/5657
And now it's PA's turn.


Troy wasn't that bad but it definitely isn't a movie that's gong to be remembered for years to come.
Raku Mel
Posts: 116/126
Originally posted by iJdream

I didn't get when
Brad's character was hit in the ankle with the arrow, he died from that. I heard rumor that when brad's character was a baby his head was dipped in the water and they held him by the ankles... he was half god right? And the only way a man could kill him was in the ankle

According to the story - and if any of you are more versed in ancient Greek literature than I am, feel free to correct my mistakes or fill in things - Achilles (Brad's character) was dipped in the river Styx as a baby by his mother, in order to dodge a prophecy. It was said that whoever was dipped in this river would be invulnerable to any weapon. But the one place on Achillies that didn't get any of the water on him was where his mother had held on to him - around his ankles. Therefore those were his only weak spots. And his mother was Thetis, so yeah, he was a sort of demigod to begin with.

To this day, some people use the term "Achilles' heel" to refer to just about any kind of weakness (not necessarily a physical one, in other words).
Posts: 540/2216

PVP has taken Penny-Arcade's place for today for "Comic explaining a thread".
The SomerZ
Posts: 265/862
Posts: 41/111
I just saw the movie today and....


*cough* sorry

This movie was so cool, I will have to agree with most people that the battle sence could have been better, i mean they were good but not enough, they should of had more fighting.

Their was hardly any nudity, although I did see Brad Pitt with his top off
Posts: 123/4249
I saw it 2 hours ago, it's good. Pretty good battle scene, pretty much what I expected.
Posts: 294/1477
Originally posted by Raku Mel
On a side note, I enjoyed this more than the actual movie. XD

I was just going to post that, too.

Originally posted on LiveJournal by cleolinda
Hut of Wanton Nudity, Some Village

BOY: OMG Achilles you're late you gotta get up Achilles OMG!
ACHILLES: Dude, I just nailed twins. Call me in the morning.
BOY: It IS morning.
ACHILLES: Oh... fuck.
Raku Mel
Posts: 114/126
I saw this movie this past weekend, and thought it was...okay. Not really breathtaking OR sucktacular, but a fairly well put together piece. I didn't remember enough of the original story to be irked by the liberties taken with it. Anyway, I don't think I'd see it again right away.

On a side note, I enjoyed this more than the actual movie. XD
Posts: 89/4249
I'll finally have an opinion since I'M going to see it tomorow.
Posts: 1256/2857
Hah, not enough Brad Pitt to go around?
That's a real shame.

He'll be in a few hundred more, and I'm sure one of them will be "over the top" or something, and your friends can check him out then.
Posts: 103/112
Saw it on Sunday, (sorry with the late review..) I thought it was a kickarse movie. I think the battles could have been better, because you hardly see any fights up close except for the ones that invovle the main characters. You see HEAPS of blood spraying everywhere.. Anyway it was still good. I went to see it with a bunch of guys and one other girl, and the guys were pissed about the 'lack of nudity' in the movie Uhhuh..
Posts: 2/111
I have not see Troy yet but seeing it with friends next week. I keep on hearing so many bad reviews though when i see it ok tv it looks heaps cool.

Why is everyone knocking brad pitt, he is like my favorite character out of Troy and the one reason why I want to see it. I have to agree with some people here that the battle sences are amazing and I love the hold idea of myths.

I hope the movie is good, and i don't mind wasting money to see brad
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 215/816
Yes Sion, I know what you are talking about. But no, he wasn't really that muscular, so it prolly wasn't CGI.
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 472/3271
Ziff, and it is. Hooray!

Sion, I heard that the actors trained a LOT for the movie. If you compare before an after pics on a lot of them (Brad Pitt comes to mind, because he's famous.), it's an obvious improvement.
Super Sion
Posts: 390/2472
My friend saw the movie and he said that there was this guy at the beginning of the movie that was so muscular that he thought he was CG. Does anyone know what hes talking about?
alte Hexe
Posts: 629/5458
Actually, it should be a gay man's film.

Menaleaus (the king of Sparta) had many male lovers during the battle.

Achilles was a blatent homosexual.

The entire Theban and Spartan armies were gay.

So, yeah. It should be a movie for gay men about gay soldiers fighting for a woman.
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 208/816
Originally posted by EvillerLegion
When you spend at least 2 hours a day reading old Greek and Roman myths, and the histories of the respective cultures, you set VERY high standards for anything pertaining to defining pieces of literature and art.

That's why I try to view movies without usng those reasons as why it was "unsatisfying". Troy, as it was, was a movie I had heard about for some time, news about it ALWAYS in my face. And what I saw on the TV screen were battles. And I was satisfied!...... With the battles. Everything pretty much sucked. (EXCEPT Eric Bana and Peter O' Toole!)
Posts: 1714/11162
It got good reviews? I'm probably is going to watch it anyway.

I love greek mythology. I have seen movies before that are based in the greek mythology, but no new ones...
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 456/3271
So? That's not the point I was getting at at all.
get it.
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