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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Hardware/Software.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Passwords...
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Posts: 385/4016
you are fortunate that this thread was still on this page (according to me--i have 50 threads per page)...i would have admonished you about bumping threads 2+ weeks old...but anyways


(1) don't put stuff in shared documents
(2) try to be creative in where you put them
(3) if possible, just bar your sister from using the computer
Posts: 66/618
Ok instead of making a new thread i will post here.

I have simalar problem, my little sister keeps on going into my files and deleteing them, the thing is i can't make the folder private because its got this shared documents thing... can someone help me please!
Posts: 147/4016
There is a book that explains the security in WindowsNT. It is called "Inside WindowsNT" for got who wrote it but it is in the signature orange for Microsoft Press books.

Anyways, I think I found an article on the explaination of NT security:
Windows NT Security
Posts: 124/2449
Prime95 is a program that calculates Mersinne Primes but I don't know if that's how MS encrypts theirs or not. I DO know that no other computer or OS install can decode the data unless you backup what they tell you to (I dont know I never did it before personally, but I assume that they give you a file with a special key or something in it that you NEED to match 100%)
Posts: 204/11162
Unless they have made some sort of backdoor, which I hope that Microsoft hadn't made...

It's more possible cracking encrypted stuff now, they use prime numbers. Someone thought up an way to calculate prime numbers alot faster... but it still takes alot of time.

And oh if your going to use an program for encryption, use an open source one. The security is higher then. (who knows which backdoors they are on the non-commercial ones?)
Posts: 102/2449
FYI: WinXP's encryption is NEARLY 100% UNCRACKABLE (nothing is 100%... but this is undoable!). You NEED to save/backup the stuff it tells you to or if your machine ever dies and/or you reinstall Windows, you won't be able to access your data.
Posts: 30/8210
In Win98 you can go to Customize This Folder (I think that's what it's called) and make an HTML template. Some simple JS can make a password prompt strong enough to keep your average Joe out. (Won't help with DOS though.)
Posts: 118/4016
the XP Pro protection only works if you are using NTFS, if you aren't using NTFS as your file system, then XP Pro is as useless as windows in controlling users.

anyways, there are various software out there to control access to stuff--i'm not sure if there are any that are free though
Posts: 4/817
If you use 98, get a program called "Encrypted Magic Folders".
Posts: 30/34
I have 98SE. Can I encrypt in 98SE?
Posts: 65/1657
Windows has the weakest security... XP Pro enables encryption, not Home. UNIX machines are where the true security is at.

NT/2000/XP has some simple security measures. Enough to keep script kiddies away... There are third party software out there for DOS/Win9x, but they're not good at all. They require their software to be loaded in order to have effect. Obviously, it won't help against not loading AUTOEXEC.BAT or a DOS floopy.
Orange Pastry
Posts: 25/168
I don't have XP so i'm screwed there (Win98)
Posts: 20/254
In XP, all you need to do is right click the folder -> properties -> advanced -> encrypt.

I think you may need to also put on 'compress' as well, but I'm not sure.

Edit: No, don't compress, just hit encrypt. It's grayed out on my machine though, so I don't know how to get to it.
Orange Pastry
Posts: 21/168
Does anyone know where to find a decent folder lock program? My little brother has been trying to delete stuff and I need to password my stuff.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Passwords...


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