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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Month-themed layout: May
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Posts: 837/2002
Hey, next month, can you throw me in there? JIm Raynor... er... I mean... Clockworkz would be a nice addition; ya know. Due to my unpopularity, it would be comical to kick me around a bit via the layout =P
Posts: 166/1757
once again, another great layout, maybe someday ill have an awesome layout...
Posts: 1747/3392
Hehehe, I love the sprite on that title man... LOVE IT!
Posts: 64/815
Now with custom title. I'm back in business. Moderator business.
Posts: 279/991
I seriously need to pester you to make me a layout sometime.
Posts: 1/3
whoa... that was one awesome layout!

The sunflowers are pixelated abit, but it certainly looks more cuter "

Sproutea was funny in there, hehe XD
Posts: 167/528
I always find Sprout the funniest <.< . This layout sorta gives me this "I can't wait 'til June"-feeling x).
Posts: 303/982
yeah I like the overall darker blueness of the April layout better

buyt that one is still pretty badass
Posts: 1567/3392
Originally posted by Angel
Amusing how one neglects the fact that the people who he puts in his layouts are his friends and not some random moron.

*ahem* That's random DIPSHIT to you, sir.

EDIT: and if I need to clarify, I meant that's what you should call me. I don't like being called a moron.
Posts: 334/1867
Ooops, I am a little late with feedback this month

Congrats again, another great layout I love the clouds in the background

At this rate, you're going to put all of us to shame by writing the most amount of kick-ass layouts
Posts: 236/573
Amusing how one neglects the fact that the people who he puts in his layouts are his friends and not some random moron.

Once again, you bring more light to the art which is of forum layouts, without a scroll either. Bravo.
Posts: 56/815
Don't tell people what to do with other peoples' sprites It's doubly impolite.
Posts: 1530/3392
Originally posted by JDavis
Originally posted by Kefka

Put this cute little guy in the June one, please

... That's not yours! That's Piney's!

I know! Can you believe it?[/Homestar]

Btw, tell me where in my post I claimed it WAS mine. That is right, my friend. I never said it. But I saw that on Piney's site and it was ADORABLE. I fell in love with it. Which is why I want you to put it in the June layout.
Posts: 55/815
Originally posted by Kefka

Put this cute little guy in the June one, please

... That's not yours! That's Piney's!

Edit: And it's not a guy, either
Posts: 389/1137
Originally posted by Ailure
Originally posted by jasukan
Looks really good, I love the sky background. Man I'm gonna have to play Yoshi's Island again since I never beat that game.
You never did beat it? I have beaten it alot of times, but then it's my favorite game.

I like the layout, however the pixilated may flowers does bug me.

I held off playing it and completing it for 4 years or so. Then I beat it in 3 days.

Anyway JD, I wasn't expecting May Flowers, it looks good and im hoping June comes quick (because May is my Important Exams Month)
Posts: 1525/3392

Put this cute little guy in the June one, please
Posts: 54/815
I tried smothing it out in a similar manner, Xk, way smoother than you did. In the end, it was so ugly that my keyboard would have shattered from a direct impact from my skull had I not hit delete fast enough.

Originally posted by Xkeeper
I'm sure that you can just use the blur feature of some image abuser... after all, it's on a solid BG, not like the April one.

No. It's not. Not always. Check in my profile. And besides that, the blure features would not solve the problem. It'd be a greyish, vaguely flower-shaped) blur with an ugly dark yellow center.
Posts: -4486/-863

MS Paint, 5minutes. S=Start, F=Finish.

I did one flower. As it progresses [counter-clockwise] it gets smoother.

That was all by hand. I'm sure that you can just use the blur feature of some image abuser... after all, it's on a solid BG, not like the April one.

Then agian, the April one wasn't super pixely, either... it had [semi] straight lines on a very dark BG, so it wasn't hard to hide the lines--

Posts: 719/12781
Ah, this layout is very beautiful. I love the summer theme. At least it looks like Summer.

I wish i could be in your layout but i don
Posts: 176/1366
Originally posted by Ailure
I would be a SFer... If it wasn't for the giant threads there, I don't feel like reading through them right now. And longer I wait then bigger they get... sure I could join/create a small thread but none of the small ones seems intresting.

That's why you IM one of the SFers and see if they're in the mood for giving you a summary or atleast enough info to let you jump in
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Month-themed layout: May


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