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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Choose a GCN-exclusive racing game
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Slash Dafter
Posts: 199/584
Mario Kart Double Dash is the only one of the three that I've actually played.
Posts: 302/454
I personally found Kirby's Air Ride to be absolutely horrible. But that's just me.

My vote went to Mario Kart. It's just fun XD
Posts: 399/3727
I could play them all, but kirby's air ride was awesome then gx and double dash.
Destiny Smasher
Posts: 178/216
Double Dash!!, of course.

The classic Mario Kart formula taken to the next level. Co-op mode is a blast.
Ok Impala!
Posts: 46/383

Not everyone will agree with me, but I think Mario Kart DD is the best one of the series. So, my vote goes to that one.
Lord Lizard
Posts: 23/27
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! is really fun in multiplayer.
F-Zero GX is really good, but the multiplayer isn't as good as MK: DD!!, IMO.
I haven't played Kirby's Air Ride yet...

My vote goes for MK: DD!!
Posts: 132/1757
MK: DD only because its mario kart, and I havent played the other
Posts: 154/318
I vote for F-Zero. One reason is, it's the only one I have played out of the list.

But, I also like the tracks, the thing, and of course the speed. Gotta love speed. It's also pretty cool making your own car.
Posts: 582/3959
Between all of them, Kirby Air ride is the one Ive played the longest, and put most of my time into. Mario Kart DD was alright, but once I beat all of the staff ghosts, there wasnt anything else for me to do....

So Kirby is my favorite.
Posts: 724/12781
Well, i played Mario Kart: Double Dash for the first time with a friends today and i can say that i
Ruby Weapon 7
Posts: 77/96
It is a tough choice between Mario Kart: Double Dash and F-Zero GX because I love both games and they are both excellent racing games. If I had to choice, then I would choose F- Zero GX because you can go really fast and I love the tracks. Another reason is because you can save your car in your GameCube memory card and put it in F- Zero AX arcade game like what cpubasic13 said.
Posts: 229/573
I loved the speed in F-Zero, but I enjoy MKD alot more as I could never really get into F-Zero as much and most of my friends never play it so naturally I played LAN Mario Kart and on warpipe to.
Posts: 710/813
F-Zero, if just for the sense of speed.

I liked DD, but I didn't find the tracks to be a leap ahead of the ones for 64.
Posts: 1473/11162
Mario Kart Double Dash for the multiplayer, that game is insane when your three players.

Thought i'm thinking of getting both Kirby Air Ride and F-Zero GC.
Posts: 279/1346
F-ZERO GX is the best one out of it. It is very fast, you can make your own F-ZERO, and unlock the AX tracks by taking your memory card to the arcade version. Lots of cool stuff in it. I have to vote for it.
Posts: 226/761
F Zero GX of course. The only other one I have there is Double Dash, which is good I suppose.
Posts: 1448/3392
I'm a huge Kirby fan, and I loved F-Zero... and F-Zero might have been better... but I had the most fun playing Mario Kart Double Dash!
Posts: 148/1160
F-Zero GC is one of the greatest racing games I've played, full stop. It's just incredibly fun and incredibly fast and has a lovely challenge to it.

Love it.
Posts: 91/235
Kirby air ride all the way, nice racing style and kirby fan =P
Posts: 251/1068
F-Zero, I like fast paced action
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Choose a GCN-exclusive racing game


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