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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Password Protection
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Posts: 25/50
I have windsor's home edition. I tried that >windoze key, then R and did C:\ and it came up with a dropdown box with a list of stuff like program files, webcam, documents and settings<

I will try that hidden file thing and see if it's on windows XP.

*crosses fingers*
Posts: 197/982
holy shit hyper hacker I never knew Win + Pause brought up My Computer Properties that's hardcore....

there are also several third party utilities you can use to password protect directories

I do not know any of them

since I am the only person who uses my computer

I just have a 2 minute screen saver with a password....
Posts: 564/8210
Are you using Home or Pro edition? (Your keyboard should have a key with the Windoze logo, hold that and hit Pause (above Page Up) to see.)
Originally posted by Eclipse
And i would not have a clue if i have NTFS or not

Hold the Windoze key, press R, type in 'C:\' (no quotes) and look at the bar on the left. What does it say for File System?
Posts: 538/4016
Originally posted by Chaosflare
why not just make the folder hidden
i believe he has tried that and it doesn't work

Why couldn't windsors XP allow password folders
because this feature isn't needed in the home environment microsoft deems. Windows is typically designed to to be for one user. So, why would have one user have issues with other people deleting their stuff. That didn't come out right so i hope that makes sense.

anyways, if you have XP home, you don't get such a feature. XP Pro has it because typically in corporate environments you need such a thing.
Posts: 127/1757
why not just make the folder hidden, and then when you want to , just go into tools --> Folder Options, then click on the view tab, and click show Hidden files/folders, and just hide it again when your done. that way, no one knows they are there unless you forget to hide the hidden folder again.
Posts: 23/50
My sister is 14 and my brother is 10 and they are both so anoying. It's so hard for me to do things on the computer let alone have any documents or pictures.
I have heard of USB and was thinking of it. Will do more research into it. Why couldn't windsors XP allow password folders

Posts: 537/4016
do you know what USB is? If so, maybe you can invest in a USB keydrive. It is like a floppy disk but it holds soooooo much more information. That way, you can put your personal documents on that drive and not have to worry about your siblings deleting them or reading them because they will not have access to that drive. However, if they are out to find your drive just to do those things. Then I dunno. Which makes me wonder--how old are your younger siblings?
Posts: 20/50
I want to password protected files because my sister & little brother always go into my folders and deletes stuff or look at my personal letters.

And i would not have a clue if i have NTFS or not, but thank you all so much for your help. You 'have' been a great help
Posts: 549/8210
Hide porn. Parents will get suspicious about a password prompt.
Posts: 211/2720
Yeah, if he wants to protect his porn from his parents, he should still think up a decent password.

I dunno about you, but I'm pretty sure my parents could've guessed some of the things I would've had as passwords back when I was a teen. Names of characters of TV shows. Song titles. All stuff that if you knew me well enough, you could've cracked yourself with a little time o.o

Thank gawd I don't do that anymore... my computer is a veritable fortress (at least against my family)
Posts: 908/2449
Originally posted by ChibiTaryn
Yeah, right click on the folder. You can click on Properties if you like, and then select the Sharing tab, or to go straight to the appropriate tab, right mouse click and select "Sharing and Security".

And pick a decent password: otherwise you could well be wasting your time
Well, if he only wants to protect his porn from his parents (I assume that's his purpose) then that's not so important...

HOWEVER, if you EVER forget your password, you're fucked.
Posts: 404/1657
The security tab isn't enabled unless you uncheck 'Use Simple File Sharing' in Folder Options (Tools menu in Win Explorer).
Posts: 203/2720
Yeah, right click on the folder. You can click on Properties if you like, and then select the Sharing tab, or to go straight to the appropriate tab, right mouse click and select "Sharing and Security".

And pick a decent password: otherwise you could well be wasting your time
Posts: 901/2449
Right-click the folder, properties, security tab.

This will only be available/visible if you run an NTFS partition (in other words, if you don't see it, you need to convert your drive).
Vystrix Nexoth
Posts: 124/348
what's that got to do with Help/Suggestions for the board? (here's a hint: nothing).

as for the problem at hand, I'm not real familiar with XP. however, you could always try right-clicking on a folder and seeing if anything looks relevant, and if not, try 'properties' and look in there. no guarantees, though.
Posts: 11/50
I need some help. I have heard that you can put passwords on folders in your computer so that only you can access them. I want to know how to do this ( like for an ordinary folder, that might contain images or documents.

I have windsows XP. And could you please not try and get to techy on me
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Password Protection


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