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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - My kingdom for a GBA C compiler!
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Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 158/2481
Odd cuz even I can use it easily.
Posts: 563/8210
Originally posted by HyperHacker
-By the time you actually get them working (changing paths, messing with compiler options, installing crap nobody's ever heard of) you could have done the entire program in ASM with a hex editor.

I took a look at the FAQ, and even with all my Windoze experience, my head started spinning after a few lines.
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 146/2481
DevkitAdv anyone?
Posts: 546/8210
I agree that making sofrware isn't specifically easy, but...
A) I have no money. Well I do, but I'm saving for something and would like to avoid spending at all costs.
B) Buying things over the Internet is impossible without a credit card. I refuse to get one, and I'm not old enough anyway.
C) Buying software's just not something I can bring myself to do.

As for ASM, if I knew it, I'd gladly use it. In fact, I probably will later once I learn more. At the moment though, I have absolutely no knowledge of this particular CPU. I'll try what you mentioned (they never made it clear exactly what the differences were, at least not that I could see), thanks for the tip.
Posts: 101/266
HyperHacker, just use HAM, and don't use the ham_Init() function, or any of the ham functions for that matter. You'll need to use your own header files to define registers, system calls, interrupts, etc... But that's a small price to pay for such an excellent IDE, and you'll be able to use sources that weren't made for ham, without the annoying intro which screws up DMA too
Posts: 50/799
Originally posted by HyperHacker
Originally posted by HyperHacker
-They expect me to pay to write free software.

i don't think it's that unfair at all. i'm sure it took a lot of time and effort into creating that C compiler.

if you really don't like paying, whats so bad about doing it the good old fashioned way in strait ASM? or creating your own compiler?
Posts: 1386/11162
Originally posted by Chaosflare
according to what I read, it is free....and looks good to me.

It's not fully free.
29 US$ "only"

But it seems that some things are free in the program.
Posts: 118/1757
according to what I read, it is free....and looks good to me.
Posts: 538/8210
Originally posted by HyperHacker
-They expect me to pay to write free software.
Posts: 395/1657
I've poked around in Visual HAM (, seems fine.
Posts: 527/8210
So many out there, and they all have the same problems:
-They expect me to pay to write free software. Ha!
-They're compressed with some format nobody uses and the only decompressor is a POS program that screws up all the files and is shareware.
-They're add-ons for something I don't have.
-By the time you actually get them working (changing paths, messing with compiler options, installing crap nobody's ever heard of) you could have done the entire program in ASM with a hex editor.

So can anyone tell me where I can find a good C compiler for GBA? Please don't say, I tried them all.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - My kingdom for a GBA C compiler!


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