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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Ultimate SMB3
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Posts: 18/2214
Yep, I did a pur-dy stupid thing. I e-mailed ACMLM, the creator of our forum world, the 1st World of my ROM hack w/out removing every bug first. W1-4 has a Wired Platform but I forgot to fix it first and the platform falls into the water instead of following wires!

Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.
Posts: 49/62
Well, Omega said both he and someone else had both searched the hack for bugs. But meh, i don't mean to be critical of Omega. It was a pretty good hack, anyway.
Posts: 1253/3392
See, some hackers make the BETA TESTERS play through the game and report bugs. And I think he had multiple beta testers. So, it's not necessarily his fault that none of his beta testers played through the game.
Posts: 48/62
Cuz they're lazy. Case in point: Omega released his Zelda III hack. I asked if he'd bug tested it. He said yes, he'd spent lots of time doing that. Later on I asked him another Q after I'd played the hack for a while and it turns out he hadn't actually played through the hack, and one part was impossible to get past until he fixed it and re-released the hack.
Posts: 57/66
ugg why do people release hacks without play testing it all the way through at least once or twice?

Posts: 46/62
Yeah, I guess.

I just found a problem though. The castle in World 4 is impossible to beat because the wand never appears. I beat the guy, but the wand never appears. Who created this hack? I need to email him.
Posts: 1242/3392
Originally posted by lukeprog
Yup, that's the one. It's difficult as all hell, maliciously so. Though, I'm on the third world, and I found the first world to be the hardest yet (and most dissimilar to the original levels). If anyone has actually beaten this hack, let me know (otherwise maybe I'll be the first! MUAHAHAHAHA!)

Also, you might be the first and only one that cares... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mario Adventure was much more worth my time than USMB3.
Posts: 45/62
Yup, that's the one. It's difficult as all hell, maliciously so. Though, I'm on the third world, and I found the first world to be the hardest yet (and most dissimilar to the original levels). If anyone has actually beaten this hack, let me know (otherwise maybe I'll be the first! MUAHAHAHAHA!)
Posts: 125/885
About mid-way down the page, Ultimate SMB3.
Posts: 40/281
What SMB3 hack are you talking about?
Posts: 42/62
Has anyone actually beaten the SMB3 hack? Google didn't turn up a home page for the hack, and these forums don't seem to have a search method...
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Ultimate SMB3


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