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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in General Emulation.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - The shittiest, most crappiest game you've ever emulated?
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Posts: 159/2189
I used to try and get a burnt copy of FF7 to work on a Win2K platform with epsxe, and I can't remember what was wrong, but I spent about 3 Sundays in a row (4 hours each) to no avail and had to do something else.

Posts: 15/57
ya i know for fce ultra but nestopia is also good

But me i use fce Ultra lol

and for the mario with a shotgun i have played it (and its very a crappy game)

its a pd roms (PD=publics domain)
adn when i say megaman 8 i want say for psx not for nes and the last megaman game on nes was released is mm6 and if you see mm7 for nes its a mm6 hacked rom
Posts: 12/20
The game with mario with a shotgun was a homebrew or a pirate, I think. It was called Super Mario War. I'd say Kart Fighter is the shittiest rom I ever played.
Posts: 93/1114
Super Adventure Island is one of the most shittiest games ever.
I hate it!!!
Private Adamant
Posts: 160/551
Originally posted by Colin
Pokemon Diamond was a pirate...

It was a pirate translation of Kentai Denjuu Telefang, with a new title screen.

I have it on a cart, so ha ha. (Yeah, it was only 15$ in a pirate store. And most games are 70$ over here.)
Posts: 613/12781
Originally posted by Colin
Pokemon Diamond was a pirate...

Megaman 8 was released for the NES? I didn't know...

Uh, actually...there are no Megaman 8 game for the NES. At least not from what i know.

Posts: 1117/11302
Pokemon Diamond was a pirate...

Megaman 8 was released for the NES? I didn't know...
Posts: 128/528
I never really liked Far East of Eden Zero. I only got it because it uses the same type of compression (or similiar) as SFA2 and SO.
Posts: 609/12781
Originally posted by Edsgravy0
Nesticle don't work on newer computers? Is my computer REALLY that old?

I also downloaded Pok
Posts: 151/761
Nesticle don't work on newer computers? Is my computer REALLY that old?

I also downloaded Pok
Posts: 1259/11162
Originally posted by goldangel
me its megaman 8 and everyting with nesticle ecause he dont work on my pc i dont know why i have a 2.8 ghz with 1 gb ram and a 140 gig diskdrive

Nesticle isn't that good, and it don't work on newer computers.

Get FCE ultra.
Posts: 12/57
me its megaman 8 and everyting with nesticle ecause he dont work on my pc i dont know why i have a 2.8 ghz with 1 gb ram and a 140 gig diskdrive
Posts: 474/3959
Probably the ones that crashed on me... Like Metroid..... But I eventually got it to work.

But the worst game Ive played is definately wheres waldo.
Posts: 1244/11162
True about that with Nesticle. All games runs in full speed in nesticle on my 486. And that is while being under Win95.

Zsnes also works quite well on it, well almost. It's running in 1-2 FPS. But the sound works perfect... if little slow.
Posts: 1105/11302
Skiffles: Well Nesticle ran pretty well for me on my old 486/25.

Mario with a shotgun... Sounds like a crappy hack of Gunsmoke.
Posts: 149/761
Originally posted by Trunxy/Dogan
Anyway, the crappiest game I've ever emulated is a game that yes, was a hack, where you play as mario brandishing a shotgun. He shoots like some shit out of the sky, I forget what. But it has such bad animation and graphics that just don't fit together.

I have that Its called Mario War.

And yes, it was shite. I forgot about it...
Posts: 26/532
When I started emulating all I had was a 66mhz computer
Posts: 1100/11302
Ice Climbers? Sure you weren't playing the VS. version, Melvin? I remember that one being buggy color-wise...

Crystalis was buggy back in the day but any good emulator can run it no problem now.
Posts: 22/532
WEll, crystalis always had a bit of a bumpy screen for me, and when around when megaman battle network 2 came out, hte emulation for that was bad too... but most bad emulation fits in the n64 category
Posts: 55/782
Voyage into the Unknown for the ZX Spectrum. All the other games mentioned in this thread pale into insignificance when compared to Voyage into the Unknown. There's no story, no gameplay, and you die randomly. Plus it was written in Sinclair Basic. Enough said.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - The shittiest, most crappiest game you've ever emulated?


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