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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in General Emulation.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - Pallette problems...
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Posts: 40/596
Originally posted by Fyxe

Well, if FCEU has a .bmp setting, I honestly cannot find it at all. And I've looked quite a bit...

Hmmmm... I might have been mistaken. I can't find it either. I could've sworn it had it though... oh well. =\
Posts: 920/3392
Oh, btw, I know for a fact that on NNNJ, you can edit the palettes yourself during gameplay...

And if you go to options>graphics, you can click on a box on the bottom that says "BMP Screenshot"

That's how it works on NNNJ, but I'm not sure about FCEU, because I'm not using that at the moment
Posts: 86/1160
Originally posted by Disch
FCEU and NNNJ both have the option to save as BMP or PNG, though I believe they default to PNG. It's just a matter of changing the settings in either emu to get bmp screenshots.

Well, if FCEU has a .bmp setting, I honestly cannot find it at all. And I've looked quite a bit...
Posts: 39/596
FCEU and NNNJ both have the option to save as BMP or PNG, though I believe they default to PNG. It's just a matter of changing the settings in either emu to get bmp screenshots.
Posts: 82/1160
No, I know PNG is better in quality, but I'd rather have a .bmp file, personally. A million times easier for me to work with. I don't know of any emulators that save in .gif format, but I'd rather they use BMP then PNG, as it's just easier to work with.

Thanks for the help so far, but if FCEU uses the correct pallette, then does that mean all the NES sprites I see on the net are using an incorrect pallette? O.o''

I'll check out BMF's site...
Posts: 912/3392
Oh yea, I forgot to mention: teh png is > then teh gif... you can convert them if you are animating a gif, but otherwise, png is better.
Posts: 1153/11162
PNG is superior to GIF when it comes to quality and size, that's why it saves it in PNG. And there is patent on GIF, people must pay a fee for using the GIF format in their programs. Belive it or not...
There is an NES pallette there which is supposed to be the same as the real NES. Go and try it...

Edit: Nevermind, it seems as the GIF patent (or the LZW Patent) did expire last year in US. However it hadn't expired in other countries such as UK.
Posts: 910/3392
I'm pretty sure that FCEU and NNNesterJ have correct palettes... and they support screenshots...

I don't emulate Genesis, so I can't help ya there
Posts: 80/1160
Ok, lets see... I rip sprites every now and again and make l'il animations...

Like so. Now, I've had no trouble with using Zsnes for Snes games and VirtualBoy Advance for GBA games, but when it comes to NES and Genesis games I have a problem... Different emulators seem to have different pallettes. For example, lets say I'm grabbing some Tails sprites. If I use the screenshot function with Gens, Tails appears with a lighter pallette than he does with Kega. Kega, annoyingly, doesn't even HAVE a screenshot function (that I know of), so I'm forced to use print screen.

Then, to make things worse...

Sprites here and elsewhere on the net have an even darker pallette than Kega. What's going on? Which one is correct? Is there an emulator with a correct pallette out there? Zsnes and VBA don't have any problems, why do these?

I have a very similar issue with my NES emulators, Fceu and Nesten. And even worse, Fceu only saves in .png format (which is annoying) and Nesten doesn't have a screenshot option. Again.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - Pallette problems...


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