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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Short Story
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Posts: 865/2857
Originally posted by Mighty Kefka
I like stories that I can relate to... and since I played baseball and also have been around godsends who bust (at the high school level though ), I was drawn into this from the very beginning... in short, I liked this story a lot.

I used all real life examples too

The ump was me, the coach was one of the guys that was in the AAA league, and the superstar was a kid on the Red Sox in my town league. I'm not sure of his HR total, but he had 2 in one game of mine.
Posts: 908/3392
I like stories that I can relate to... and since I played baseball and also have been around godsends who bust (at the high school level though ), I was drawn into this from the very beginning... in short, I liked this story a lot.
Posts: 192/1191
Populous: No mod like behavior please Stories are art too, stories which are just for show and not for others to participate in go here. So this is the correct forum.
Posts: 14/132
This is the Modern Art, not Story Forum!?!
Posts: 851/2857
I had to write a short story for my english class, and I had this idea in my head since I umpired one game with a player that was going to go play baseball in Florida. I came up with the title first, about a year ago, and then a few days ago got to writing it.
And yeah, I know my ending sucks, I'm going to work on it later.

Diaries of a Little League Superstar
Nathan Krieger sunk down as low as humanly possible on the stool in the bar. All his efforts to drink his problems away had failed miserably, adding to the mounting number of problems in his life. His wife was never home, and a divorce seemed obvious. They were married when Nate was going to be the Rookie of the Year in the American League for the MLB. That was back when he was projected to hit 20 home runs, steal 40 bases, and get a gold glove at second base. That
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Short Story


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