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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Revenge never tasted like metal... until now
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Posts: 191/202
I skipped the first 2 games, than finally got Burnout 3 from it's hype. I'm keeping it, but haven't played in weeks. It made me a bit frustrated how Revenge was advertised in the game box to be $39.99, then came out as $49.99 anyway.
It'd help if the online mode actually had opponents in my current game. I'll have to try this new one and see if it's appeal lasts enough for me to finish the missions. I hope that F-1 racer is toned down, it was too fast to control. I'm going off to play now.
Posts: 1335/1346
I have been eagerly awaiting for this game to come out, playing the third one a lot more. Finally, it came out this week. I bought it, and I have to say I am not dissappointed.

Burnout Revenge is a racing/crashing game, where depending on the mode you have to do stuff. Sometimes, you will have to race other cars for first place. Other times, you have to cause the biggest crash ever.

So to begin with, I did Traffic Attack, not knowing what exactly I am doing since this is a new mode. After changing the settings to allow me to listen to my custom soundtrack (which consists of mainly My Chemical Romance and Franz Ferdinand, with some Breaking Benjamin in there), I started the event, seeing that I have to crash into traffic to cause damage. You can't hit big traffic, oncoming traffic, or cross traffic. You have to use same way traffic to crash those cars. You gain more time as you go with crashing them.

On completion of that, I saw the new rating system, which depending on how good you were in the event, you earned stars to add to the rating, the more destructive and risky drivers getting more stars. Your medal also can add a star or if you get a bronze, lose a star. After getting a certain number of stars, you unlock the next rating, which unlocks more events.

There are a bunch of other modes, too. Race is a whole lot better now, with shortcuts, alternate routes, and best of all: RAMPS! Now you can do vertical takedowns! Road rage is back, and it is better than ever. After taking down a few cars, you get extra time until you get a gold medal, where it stops giving you time. A whole lot better with these new tracks. Crash mode is redone, with you having to time A button presses for boost and then actually PLANNING on how you are going to crash. Oh, and multiple crashbreakers can occur (and you can use crashbreakers in later events). Burning lap is back, and so is Eliminator, but instead of going a full lap before you are eliminated, you have a timer. After the timer, whoever is in last place blows up. Funny.

So, yeah, this game is fun. The crashes are very awesome, even when you crash, and the extra features are nice. Also, if you have Burnout 3 and Madden 06 data, you unlock two new cars for crash mode. Nice extra... I guess.

I highly recommend this game. If you like aggresive racing, this is the best one of those games.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Revenge never tasted like metal... until now


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