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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - This cannot be
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Posts: 591/687
Yeah, I just found out that Opera is now 100% free, no ads, no keys, nothing. I'm trying it right now, and I'm not liking it...

Thayer's link thinger is still screwed up, and it cuts off the bottom of my FFT sig image. I don't like that you can't use ALT+D to type something into the address bar.

No, I think I'll stick with Maxthon.
Posts: 24/27
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by Elric
As I mentioned before, I'm at the same res as you, 1280*1024. The images and text don't line up, as mentioned, but I was more refering to the System Messages thing in your sig. It seems like it's all just jammed in there, and isn't very appealing to me.

As for fixing the problem, when in doubt, follow the standards. Since MS refuses to make IE follow them, IE users won't get the full effect of your layout.

I think part of the problem is that I had to abuse CSS and tables like crazy to get the layout to work right in the beginning. I'll find some type of resolution for this. And yes, even now, when I opened up IE, I could definitely see the problems (I couldn't before though with the first layout I had in this thread ). I don't use IE, and I wonder how many of the rest of the users on these forums do. I used to have Opera, but all I use right now is Firefox for Internet browsing. I don't want to have a layout though that gets blocked by others, so I'll try to find some kind of fix for this.

Get Opera again. It's 100% free and doesn't contain Ads! That is what I use to browse the web with.
Posts: 583/687
When I make a layout, I start by creating a mock-up in an HTML page on my HDD. I have an entire page of my post layouts I've used in the past, and one for ones I'm working on. Once I get it looking how I want, I copy/paste it into the layout editor at the board, modify paths to point to stuff on my website instead of my HDD, and preview it, fine tuning as needed.

I'm not exactly knowledgable about CSS files, as is evidenced by the fact that I can't even change font colors in this layout. I usually just... "borrow" CSS files...
Posts: 751/988
Originally posted by Elric
As I mentioned before, I'm at the same res as you, 1280*1024. The images and text don't line up, as mentioned, but I was more refering to the System Messages thing in your sig. It seems like it's all just jammed in there, and isn't very appealing to me.

As for fixing the problem, when in doubt, follow the standards. Since MS refuses to make IE follow them, IE users won't get the full effect of your layout.

I think part of the problem is that I had to abuse CSS and tables like crazy to get the layout to work right in the beginning. I'll find some type of resolution for this. And yes, even now, when I opened up IE, I could definitely see the problems (I couldn't before though with the first layout I had in this thread ). I don't use IE, and I wonder how many of the rest of the users on these forums do. I used to have Opera, but all I use right now is Firefox for Internet browsing. I don't want to have a layout though that gets blocked by others, so I'll try to find some kind of fix for this.
Posts: 2448/2962
I liked the blue one more I thought the blueness was pretty but whatevers sexy to you . Looks good to me now..I wouldn't be able to see what was wrong with it to begin with
Posts: 578/687
As I mentioned before, I'm at the same res as you, 1280*1024. The images and text don't line up, as mentioned, but I was more refering to the System Messages thing in your sig. It seems like it's all just jammed in there, and isn't very appealing to me.

As for fixing the problem, when in doubt, follow the standards. Since MS refuses to make IE follow them, IE users won't get the full effect of your layout.
Posts: 732/988
Hmm, what resolution do you have incidentally as well? I'd like to take notes then on this situation. It should be easy to fix, hopefully it won't be too ugly in Mozilla.
Posts: 2541/3359
Oh yeah.. Statistics is bumped down a line because the box isn't big enough. But that can easily be fixed, yeah? That's the only one that is on a different line for me, and I never even noticed until you pointed it out.
Posts: 728/988
Well, when I load it in IE, it seems like the words in the menu aren't on the same line as the images, that's not what I wanted, they should all be on the same line. Then again, I wonder if I should update IE, I almost never use it, so... I wouldn't know
Posts: 2535/3359
Originally posted by Thayer
In Internet Explorer, the little menu on the site gets entirely fudged up.

I'm in IE, and it looks fine.. what's fudged up about it?
Posts: 726/988
Originally posted by Elric
Umm... I wish it was a mess in IE. That'd be better than what it is now.

Hm? It looks perfectly fine in Mozilla Firefox.

In Internet Explorer, the little menu on the site gets entirely fudged up.
Posts: 577/687
Umm... I wish it was a mess in IE. That'd be better than what it is now.

And I want one of those System Mesages!
Posts: 2530/3359

+1 for Thayer for having a sweet layout.

And hey, I got a system message like that too.
Posts: 724/988
I've reached a consensus.

But it's a mess in IE. That won't do.
Posts: 574/687
Yarr, th' blue's be better! 'Tis why 'ts th' default colors of Final Fantasy! Ye be a green-a-holic, me bonnie!
Posts: 722/988
Well, yes, possibly. I need to use a different shade of green and find a decent background, preferably before I head off again since I won't have access to Photoshop when I visit relatives.
Posts: 2524/3359
So, a GREAT idea would be to take this one, make it green, and then we'd all be happy!

And Elric, thanks for the link and newsflash that I don't know how pirates talk. Arr.
Posts: 718/988
The first one had only Profile, Stats, an Icon for IM, and then "And This Just in From Thayer" (something like that) over the post, then it would close the border, and had only one icon, the Nuke Brazil beneath. This one has more options, they're all below the post now, no catchy phrase, and there's a knuck4pope and a Nuke Brazil beneath the options.
Posts: 571/687
Originally posted by Danielle
What's with the pirate talk? That was on my radio all morning.. what am I missing..
Do ye be seein' me sig, me bonnie? Yarr, be clickin' on th' link ye be findin' thar, 'nd that'll explain 't all to ye!

As fer this layout, and th' green 'un, th' links that were in th' header be in th' sig now, and also be expanded!

I be prefering th' blue 'un o'er th' green 'un. Blue do be the world's most popular color, mates!
Posts: 940/1239
Hard to tell the difference other then the color, but it may be me. Good job though. Blue and white text go great together.
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