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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Layout for me... please?
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Posts: 22/27
Originally posted by Elric
Someone's CSS borked this thread... I had to disable layouts to get in here...

Anyway, zuh. Fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving, in that order.

I don't think it was mine, I test my layouts on a board I got loaded up on my local machine.
Posts: 513/687
Someone's CSS borked this thread... I had to disable layouts to get in here...

Anyway, zuh. Fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving, in that order.
Posts: 2447/3359
CHRISTMAS!! Green and red, with a santa hat on kirby.
VALENTINE'S DAY!! ..wait you're a guy, you don't do pink.
SUMMER!! Lots of colorful things, because school's out and stuff.

..that's the best I've got.
Posts: 3664/3959
Actually Irfanview works a lot better.

That, and gimp hates my computer

I should start planning other themed layouts... suggestions people?
Posts: 18/27
Originally posted by Elric
Originally posted by Danielle
Even if they're messing up, I still like both of them enough to keep them unblocked. How lucky!
Technically, they're not messing up. Technically, our browsers suck at dealing with one specific image type...

And I don't have a freakin' clue how the freck to make an alpha-transparent image...
Posts: 551/687
Originally posted by Danielle
Even if they're messing up, I still like both of them enough to keep them unblocked. How lucky!
Technically, they're not messing up. Technically, our browsers suck at dealing with one specific image type...

And I don't have a freakin' clue how the freck to make an alpha-transparent image...
Posts: 17/27
Originally posted by Danielle
YOU! Yes, how could I forget Snort?

Even if they're messing up, I still like both of them enough to keep them unblocked. How lucky!

Thank you! I feel honored. lol
Posts: 2447/3359
YOU! Yes, how could I forget Snort?

Even if they're messing up, I still like both of them enough to keep them unblocked. How lucky!
Posts: 16/27
Originally posted by Danielle
Yeah, I'm using IE. And I think the same sort of thing happened with the other person who just made a layout.. their name escapes me. Something about transparent tables.
Oh well.

Danielle: Was it me? lol

I see that layout how it should be. :p I also like it. Way to go.
Posts: 3663/3959
*Does it all over again*

It would have gotten done for me had I waited a day .

I should start planning other themed layouts... suggestions people?
Posts: 522/687
Yeah, that looks much better. But now you have to do it all over again, thanks to the DB hiccup...
Posts: 2336/3359
Yeah, I'm using IE. And I think the same sort of thing happened with the other person who just made a layout.. their name escapes me. Something about transparent tables.
Oh well.
Posts: 3662/3959
I think it may be the transparent pictures being used... IE may not like that
Posts: 1212/1479
I see it just fine on Firefox. What browser are you people using?
Posts: 2423/3359
I see it the same as Elric does.. I thought it was supposed to be that way.
Posts: 3689/3959
Actually no...

Its supposed to look more like This

I dont know why your computer is doing that
Posts: 544/687
Maybe. But I'm thinking this is just a browser problem...

Here's a screen of how I see it.

Is that big blue border supposed to be there like that? If it is, is the text supposed to be only over the image in the center?
Posts: 3686/3959
Eh, people ALWAYS have trouble seeing my layouts Elric

I never liked scrollbar layouts either Danielle

Eh... more Kirbies might make the layout too crowded as far as Im concerned. Though, a graphical update may be in order if I get the time

Actually, now that I think about it... this layout base is perfect for some other themes . Image exchange and a color swap, and Ive got themes ...

I need to start scheming ¬_¬
Posts: 541/687
I guess it's just my browser that's causing the large blue border around the KATW's posts...?
Posts: 11695/12781
I didn´t notice the construction KIrby. It really IS cute.

Maybe you could add other Kirbies in different colors.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Layout for me... please?


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