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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Hardware/Software.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Does anyone know where I can get a Mac computer
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Posts: 2473/2720
You can buy Mac Parts from places other than Mac -- and install them -- without voiding the warranty.

It helps if places are special Apple resellers though.

But yeah, I in no way voided my warranty by buying an AirPort Extreme card from Next Byte and installing it myself... ditto with the additional RAM I installed.
Posts: 1948/2449
If you want a Mac, you pretty much have only one source for the machine and its parts. Buying mac parts from anyone but Apple usually voids its warranty.

If you want a mac and you think Apple is too expensive, you've got a serious conflict of intrest
Posts: 175/202 has them. I haven't shopped at the online version, but their actual stores are a huge place called Fry's Electronics. The site's help page says it accepts just about every payment method except C.O.D. I don't know of any site which does.
Posts: 2435/2720

There are a few places that resell Mac stuff too, but I live in Australia and can only give advice for Australian resellers, which won't help you. In Australia, David Jones resell Apple equipment, so does a store called Next Byte and a place called AWA.

Seriously just go to the Apple website and order it from there.
Posts: 6693/8210
Did you try Apple?
Posts: 14/20
Could you give me a few sights where I can buy Mac computers?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Does anyone know where I can get a Mac computer


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