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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Modern Art. | 1 guest
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - i need this for my layout...
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Posts: 544/703
alright hows this? any suggestions
Posts: 15/23
i figure i could just put some & nbsp between teh images make sure u take the space out between the & and nbsp
Posts: 542/703
ok, here is what i got so far... i think it looks good, except it will look alot better with a gap between bullet bill and mario and luigi
Posts: 548/1173
1- style=filter:fliph in the image tag, but that only works in Internet Explorer ... so a real mirrored image would be better

2- Just add more images:

Again, faster animations of Mario and Luigi where they look more scared would look better
Posts: 541/703
ok, everything i need i have done so far except,

1) how to i rotate the bottom bullet bill (so he wont go backwards)
2) a small picture (around the same size) or mario and luigi running (so it looks like mario and luigi are running from the bullet)
Posts: 545/1173
Yeah, the marquee would be best there ...

<marquee truespeed scrolldelay=20 scrollamount=1 direction=right width=100%><img src=images/ranks/bulletbill.gif></marquee>

Not too hard
Posts: 12/23
have u tried an animation program?
or u could get really creative and just put him in a marquee

Posts: 538/703
i want bullet bill () to move across the top of my that possible? i tried [move][/move] but that obveously dide'nt work.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - i need this for my layout...


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