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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Megaman is better when he's NOT on an emulator
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Posts: 1131/11302
It all depends on the game for the PSX and the plugins you use (in the case of ePSXe). Lots of trial and error involved for some games, unfortunately.

Then again, most of the games I have run fine or with minor graphical glitches. But I prefer running them on the real deal as well.
Posts: 131/528
Originally posted by Legion

People actually use keyboards when using emulators? wtf?

Yes. I'm quite used to it x). I prefer PSX over PSX emu , because PSX emu feels so damn unstable and incomplete.
Posts: 1054/11302
Oh, but he wishes he could bring modern technology back into that dreary year of 1989. XD

I believe there was talk of a NES/PC combo around that time but nothing ever came of it.
Posts: 233/454
Originally posted by MEL4MOD
Originally posted by Weasel
Originally posted by Ailure
Real thing > emulator.
Not quite. I remember how many tries it would take me to get my NES to load a game. An emulator does it in one shot

<Link to NES PC>
You couldn't do that in 1989, dork
Posts: 1043/11302
You need a gamepad to really enjoy emulation. You can get by with the keyboard for some stuff (like NES/GB/Genesis/etc.), but for stuff like SNES/PSX games... Come on. More buttons = more complexity = the need for more flexibility.

*remembers the multi-key bug in ZSNES* Ugh. They still have that?
Posts: 194/991
Originally posted by Weasel
Originally posted by Ailure
Real thing > emulator.
Not quite. I remember how many tries it would take me to get my NES to load a game. An emulator does it in one shot

<Link to NES PC>
Posts: 149/1567
Originally posted by Adamant
I agree about the X stuff. I just can't seem to find a decent configuration for jumping, sliding, shooting and walking. The first battle with Agile in X2 is a nightmare, since I end up pushing the wrong button all the time. Waah.

yes i agree w/ you

btw, the first battle w/ Serges is frustrating too, using the keyboards, since i have to jump and run and jump and then run again to avoid his multiple bombs
Posts: 1182/11162
Originally posted by Colin
Ah, yes... ruining carts with the Game Genie to the point where they'd only run when inserted into the Genie again.

Some people say that NES actually ruins carts itself, in a slow way...

The NES design wasn't that good infact, it created the famous flash problem. Which an newer nes fixed. (which was releases 1993 right? )
Posts: 557/12781 was hard to beat Violen in MMX2 but when i had a good strategy to beat him, it was pretty easy.

I don
Private Adamant
Posts: 144/551
I agree about the X stuff. I just can't seem to find a decent configuration for jumping, sliding, shooting and walking. The first battle with Agile in X2 is a nightmare, since I end up pushing the wrong button all the time. Waah.

But I did beat the PC port of MMX, though. Yes, it's bad. Don't try it, unless you're willing to give up playability for save files. But then again, You could just play the rom and use save states.
Dark Sorceress
Posts: 53/107
When I would play emulated games on the computer it felt like I wasn't playing the real game. But when I have the computer plugged into the TV so that the games are on the TV, then they feel like the real thing. I find that you just don't get that console experience on a computer monitor like you do on TV, though you do need a gamepad. Mine is great.
Posts: 519/12781
Originally posted by Aioria
Megaman X is a nightmare w/ the keyboards

And the real thing is always much better...i sometimes can't control myself on using save-states

I don
Posts: 211/1077
Megaman 3 for NES is my fave MM ever ... really addictive music, especially Hard Man's stage tune, the second boss battle bgm and the second Wily stage theme ... plus great NES GFX and playability
I play my games on an emulator since my NES doesn't run too well and very often shows garbled GFX or even freezes after loading
I'm using a SpeedLink pad with force feedback ... unfortunately this feature is not supported in any amulator I know ...
Posts: 203/323
I play all my emulated shit on the X-Box so...
Emulated Megaman = Non Emulated Megaman
Posts: 134/1567
Megaman X is a nightmare w/ the keyboards

And the real thing is always much better...i sometimes can't control myself on using save-states
Kirby PopStar
Posts: 47/431
I used to use the keyboard all of the time, but once I got a GameCube to USB Adaptoid so I can use my GameCube controller on the computer... It changed the world of emulation for me!!! I'm also getting one for PSX controllers (with a DDR pad, I can play Stepmania and etc.)

I think, depending on what the game is, that either Emulation or Console can be the better experience. For NES games, I actually prefer the Emulator because of the fact I can speed it up and use save states. (Or even better my GBA with a flash card and Pocket NES )
Posts: 200/454
I remember doing that once. Ruined Bubble Bobble. I loved that game...
Posts: 929/11302
NSNick - Trust me, when you try to put a cart into the Game Genie and you hear some crunching sounds...
alte Hexe
Posts: 518/5458
Originally posted by Legion

People actually use keyboards when using emulators? wtf?

I have to now >.< My OMNI-PS LOOKALIKE controller I bought at a flea market decided to get chewed on by dogs. Thus, I must use the ever loathed keyboard. Which isn't that bad...
Posts: 599/813
I wouldn't know, all mine are dead regardless
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Megaman is better when he's NOT on an emulator


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