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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Hardware/Software.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Manual file association editing
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Posts: 3839/4016
well, maybe you only have to close the 'folder options' only once after you create a new ext. I remember I was able to keep folder options open after that, I just had to close the advanced editor each time...or was that was what you were referring too?

also, I checked out the N64 extention i created in the registry, and it's entry did not look like any of ther other extention keys in the registry...
Posts: 6594/8210
Well, yeah, but opening the editor takes forever.
Posts: 3837/4016
Try this:

1) Create new ext
2) Click 'Okay' on Folder Options
3) Reopen Folder Options
4) Make 1 change
5) Click 'Okay' on Folder Options
6) Repeat #3 if desired

I did run into problems in creating a new ext when I didn't do step 2 and tried to make changes after creating a new ext
Posts: 6586/8210
I go into HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and add a key with all the information I need, looking at others for examples. It's actually pretty simple from what I've seen. I might just have to make my own editor sometime.
Posts: 3830/4016
Where exactly are you placing these new file association entries in the Registry? Like, the registry path you are placing them in? If i'm not mistaken, there are two places to put them in...
Posts: 6573/8210
Yeah, that's how you're supposed to do it, but it's horribly buggy. Though looking at these results, it might be more that the file association system itself is buggy, not the editor.
Posts: 2425/2720
Hm... I don't know how you edit them in the registry, but I'm sure there's a utility to change file associations within Windows (go to My Computer, then Tools then... I forget as I'm not on a Windows machine right now...)

I don't know how you change the description that way though, but I have to get clients to change file associations a lot at work (to stop .jpg files from opening in Imaging and get them to open in something else), and I go in through My Computer / Windows Explorer and do it.
Posts: 6568/8210
Well, it's come to my attention, once again, that Windows' file association system blows. Since it refuses to add certain extensions for no reason, and won't give others an icon, I'm trying to edit them manually in the registry. Currently I'm working on N64 ROMs (.n64). It's almost working, but they still say "N64 File" instead of the description I gave them, and the default action is "Play in PJ64" but selecting it brings up that dialog asking what program to use. Anyone know what else needs to be done to get it to recognize the extension properly?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Manual file association editing


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