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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - N-Gage QD revealed
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Posts: 372/618
Looking like he is having some fun... how cool it would be to work for a gaming company
Posts: 209/1068
I have a non working sample of the N-Gage, is't cheaper for the same use. Trow it at a wall or something.

And even Nokia Employees know that the Game Boy Advance is better:

Posts: 149/1139
It's like making a sculputure out of shit.

It may look good when finished, but in the end, its still shit.
Posts: 556/3194
Heck, I havent even seen ONE here in the U.S., which would REMOTELY justify my numbers there, Angel.
Posts: 147/573
Colin ive seen boxes in the electronics botique for a week after it came out and my friends who work there said it isnt worth carrying as its a piece of trash.

And im from Nova Scotia by the way,
Posts: 909/11302
I have seen *VERY* few N-Gage units in Canada, which means either the thing's selling really well and I never heard about it, or nobody wants to carry the thing.

They said around 30 new games are coming out this year... I haven't seen any names though.
Posts: 193/454
I'm betting on $99 without contract and $199 with contract, considering that's what Nokia said in the article
Posts: 380/3959
Not another one....

Noki makes phones... not taco-shaped-phone-player-devices.

Besides, nintendo still makes better portables...

This part doesnt exist..... sorry
alte Hexe
Posts: 511/5458
I was almost banned from the local EB when the NG first game out...

I picked up their test sample...Started playing it, and very loudly exclaimed "It feels like holding feces"
Posts: 251/2216
Quite Disgusting

And if you remove the Q...

Posts: 190/454
Wait a second! Does that image count as flaming a staff member and I get to report you and have you banned?! *Weasel jizzes with joy*

I haven't played anything on an N-Gage before, so I don't know. I've heard things though. All the games are just GBA versions with skinnier dimensions.
Posts: 1089/11162
I heard that the best game for N-Gage is SonicN...

And people say that Sonic Advance is the same as the N-gage version. Only better...
Posts: 142/573

I see a trend, n-gage is trying to be hip and in the cool club by slimming down and maybe adding extra features? To the new model as Nintendo did to the SP. Difference is Nintendos is successful the n-gage isnt.
Posts: 187/454
I never even implied that. Just because I said there might be 10 possibly (keyword) good games doesn't mean I know what games are good and that I have one.

You assume too much.
Posts: 139/573
You implied you knew some good games. Which made me think you've gone insane.
Posts: 181/454
Anyone else want to point out to me when I said I bought one? Because I never said I bought an N-Gage
Posts: 128/573
Originally posted by Weasel
The only way this newer N-Gage could be more popular is if the Nokia game developers start working overtime Total, the system has like 10 possibly good games. They need some more. Like cheap puzzle games, or a really innovated rpg or something.

And you actually BOUGHT one of these?!!!111
Posts: 178/454
The only way this newer N-Gage could be more popular is if the Nokia game developers start working overtime Total, the system has like 10 possibly good games. They need some more. Like cheap puzzle games, or a really innovated rpg or something.
Posts: 124/573
Originally posted by Jarukoth
Thanks to this, the number just might break the 15 mark. Hooray!

Woah woah dont get to hasty skippy.
Posts: 487/3194
Thanks to this, the number just might break the 15 mark. Hooray!
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - N-Gage QD revealed


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