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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Zelda: Twilight Princess Delayed to 2006
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Posts: 974/1158
The pictures look good, the movies play great, and the plot sounds pretty kick-ass, for the most part. At this point, I don't think there's much Nintendo could do to screw up the game if they didn't try. And I'm relieved.
Posts: 916/1479
Originally posted by Bella
I actually planned on playing this game . I don't have many GC games so I hoped to make it one of my..MINE to play since it's my baby sisters..the Gamecube. OH well.

It better be damn good.., I'm sure it will be though.

Same here but all it does is give me time to preorder it. I was too damn lazy to preorder it during the summer.
Posts: 1875/2962
I actually planned on playing this game . I don't have many GC games so I hoped to make it one of my..MINE to play since it's my baby sisters..the Gamecube. OH well.

It better be damn good.., I'm sure it will be though.
Posts: 46/73
I wonder if Nintendo is under a lot of stress to make this game long, hard and fun.
If they rush the game that got all the hype at E3 2005 then Nintendo, and their loyal legion of fans, will never sleep again.
Posts: 6390/8210

A Zelda game... DELAYED? Hit the deck! It's a sign of the apocalypse! *gets crushed under sarcasm*
Posts: 9958/11302
...Someone's trolling just a *little* teensy-weensy bit, no?
Posts: 418/916
Nintendo, Nintendo.
You make consumers cry.
Nintendo, Nintendo.
We will watch your company die.
Simple mistakes,
Promised release dates,
All but a dream, but a dream.

Your GameCube was great,
With one simple flaw.
The machine didn't play CDs.
At all, at all!
Labeled a system,
For children of sorts.
Such titles as Grand Theft Auto
Were never about!
Instead such titles as
Mario Sunshine,
Were released for children's fun time.

Now with a date,
You have promised to surpass.
The time before the true GameCube Zelda,
Surely won't come fast.
No holiday season for your products to shine,
The poor little kiddies will surely whine.

Your Revolution, so black and so shiny,
Annoucned by the company as you pulled a
Gameboy Micro from your hiney.
What will this Revolution do?
Nobody knows, Nintendo, but you!

Such slip-ups as this,
And mistaken busi-ness,
Your company soon will drown.
As for the gaming generation growns up,
You will surely grow down.
Posts: 522/573
Originally posted by Viceroy Legion

Looks like hes be crying out wax. ;

But either or, im sort of upset by this but the longer I wait the more im going to want to play it and when it is the masterpiece I expect it to be it will be all the more better.
alte Hexe
Posts: 5104/5458
Wow, that's a hella old PC.
Posts: 5038/5657
I would like to take this time to share with you what I consider to be a funny picture. Note, the key here is what the monitor says.

alte Hexe
Posts: 5102/5458
Like I said, they're damning themselves with this move. Business-wise.
Posts: 9953/11302
Pretty hard to pull a surprise title out of your ass with 4 months to go. I've never seen it done; maybe in the early NES/Genesis days where we didn't have as much info about upcoming titles but not now.
alte Hexe
Posts: 5100/5458

Unless they have a surprise game that they've kept secret for the past couple of years in development or something...Eeek. This is really bad for business. The DS price drop with Nintendogs will improve their standing in the handheld market (where they should focus even more!)...But the GB Micro, although freakin' sweet, is not going to really help out too much. It'll just be for fan boys and people who haven't already got a GBA and can't afford a DS...And with the price drop...Yeah. But that's just how things go, I guess

The game will be good, there is no such thing as a bad Nintendo Zelda game. But if the extra time doesn't make this title excell in every way imaginable, then it will ultimately be a let down and a disappointing failure.
Posts: 9948/11302
Won't be. I can't see Revolution being launched around that time frame. I can, however, see it/the PS3 being launched around the same time similar to the GC/Xbox.
Posts: 10771/11162
Would be intresting if this wind up being a Revolution console launch title. Infact I don't mind the delay much as i'm not going to get a console until something next year. So this game can be delayed as much they want.

Besides, I guess they learnt their lesson with Wind waker... who was little rushed at the end according to the devoloper. I hardly called the triforce hunt fun...
Posts: 9938/11302
Replace "many" with "none". They'll probably have some interesting titles, I won't doubt that... but there's just nothing there that's going to create a mega buzz unless there's a sleeper title up their sleeves.
Posts: 892/1158
Yeah, I read about this earlier, and Gamestop also called me about my reservation for the game. This is good, if it'll improve the game... though Nintendo won't have many good games for the holidays.

That's fine with me, though, I'll just be getting Kingdom Hearts 2.
Posts: 9933/11302
Trapster: Well, this year would have been OK for Nintendo since they could rely on the GB Micro, the DS and Zelda (which likely would have sold a few GameCubes as well). No Zelda is going to hurt since with Sony being Sony and Microsoft probably claiming this holiday season already with the 360... It'll still sell like hotcakes when it comes out, but this would have been the perfect time.

However, *IF* Nintendogs takes off when it's released next week and Nintendo moves a lot of DS units, then things might be a bit more rosy.
Posts: 11051/12781
Originally posted by Colin
This is VERY bad, actually. Take away Zelda from Nintendo's Christmas lineup and they have NOTHING. That's scary especially this year.

I didn´t really think of that. I´ve many friends who wants this game and I don´t think they´re going to be happy about this.

Maybe it can be a late Christmas present.

Ah, well. It´s good if they make it better. I don´t have a gamecube, though.
Posts: 61/116
I personally think that Nintendo are trying to avoid the criticism of Wind Waker being repeated for TP, after WW seemed rushed, and dungeons were left out.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Zelda: Twilight Princess Delayed to 2006


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