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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Baldur's Gates
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Posts: 39/46
Do you have read it D&D online mmorpg i think i will be fantastic.
or Never Winter Nights 2
or Baldurs Gate 3
Posts: 13/43
I don't have any links that you wouldn't get if ya Google it. It was a PS1 game. Fun, though, defnitely a good one.
Posts: 34/46
oh do you have any links to this game?
I'd like to look at it I'm a big RPG fan^^
also D&D
Posts: 12/43
I like 1 and 2. Ever play Vagrant Story? Also good.
Posts: 28/46
you're right GeckoYamori but it is a Thread about play Bg this isn't RPG or not?
Posts: 106/153
Shouldn't this be in RPG Discussion?
Posts: 25/46
yes you're right ist not as good as bg but ok
Posts: 104/153
I never played Icewind Dale. I heard it was much more hack-n-slash oriented than the others.
Posts: 23/46
I'd like the game, too.
I have BG 1-2 + Addon, Ice wind dale 1-2 + Addon and Never Winter nights 1 + 2 Addons
that are all nice games try them!

greez andy
Posts: 100/153
I have both BG1 and 2 with their respective expansions, haven't gotten around to playing the first one yet though. BG2 was fun but I felt it lacked the sense of freedom found in Fallout, however the interaction between the party members make up for it and makes them feel so much more alive rather than just having them follow you and shut up. You can really tell they have their own lives and ambitions.
Posts: 364/460
I really love this game. Playing a Diablo like game with Dugeons & Dragons (2nd edition) rules is awesome. Too bad we wont see sequels anytime soon.

Anyone likes BG here ?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Baldur's Gates


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