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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Movies / TV / Entertainment: Abnormal Freak | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Rant: Game-based movies
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Posts: 197/247
Halo might be alright, it miht not but lets just face it game based movies SUCK!! YES SUCK!!
Posts: 596/619
Originally posted by Trapster
Originally posted by Seph2k4
Originally posted by MC Pee Pants
I would so kill for a Legend of Zelda flick, seeing that Metroid's gonna hit the big screen soon.

Legend of Zelda's already being made, and rest assured, it's gonna suck just like (just about all of) the rest of them. How can they POSSIBLY fit all that story into a 2-3 hour film?

Maybe it isnテつエt possible for them to fit the whole story into a 2-3 hour film but maybe if they make a trilogy.

Yes but you gotta remember that LoZ is a BIG game with LOTS of story to it. The best they could do with a Zelda movie is tell only the general parts of the story of the first game in an entire movie trilogy, each installment only telling parts of it and thus, leaving out quite a bit of the interesting plotlines/character plotlines in the game. And thus it's a GAME-based movie, meaning it would suck even if they managed to fit the entire story into it (which is TOTALLY impossible to do in just 2-3 hours timing). It may be a fun game to play, but I don't think those big boss battles would translate into good action scenes when put on-screen.
Posts: 890/1158
A Killer Instinct movie's coming out soon, I hear, though I never played the game.

Has anyone heard anything of the Metroid movie? John Woo was going to direct it or something, I think, but that's old news. I'd see it on opening night if it was ever released.
Posts: 11049/12781
Originally posted by Seph2k4
Originally posted by MC Pee Pants
I would so kill for a Legend of Zelda flick, seeing that Metroid's gonna hit the big screen soon.

Legend of Zelda's already being made, and rest assured, it's gonna suck just like (just about all of) the rest of them. How can they POSSIBLY fit all that story into a 2-3 hour film?

Maybe it isnテつエt possible for them to fit the whole story into a 2-3 hour film but maybe if they make a trilogy.

I heard rumours about a Zelda movie many years ago but I read or was told that it was only a rumour. I donテつエt remember. I hope that this is real, though.

The Final Fantasy movie was pretty confusing for me in the beginning and it sure as hell isnテつエt one of the best movies Iテつエve seen.

Posts: 590/619
Originally posted by Abnormal Freak

And hell, I know it's bound to suck and everything, just like every other game-based movie . . .

Nuh-uh. Silent Hill, dammit!

NOTE: I didn't count Silent Hill because that hasn't been done yet.

I also didn't count FF:tSP because it just wasn't Final Fantasy at all except for the name. It's not really a game-based movie if you think about it.
Abnormal Freak
Posts: 319/364

And hell, I know it's bound to suck and everything, just like every other game-based movie . . .

Nuh-uh. Silent Hill, dammit!
Posts: 587/619
Originally posted by Abnormal Freak
Originally posted by Seph2k4
And Metroid is being made as well, which I also have doubts on because it's from the producers of Final Destination (one of the most overrated series ever; sorry, just don't like the FD movies; TERRIBLE ACTING!)

Where'd you get that info? Of the confirmed producers, none of them have worked on any of the Final Destination movies, according to IMDb.

Okay, so I guess I could be wrong on that, but if I remember correctly, I might have read something on the net a long time ago along the lines of some of the people who did Final Destination 1 and 2 (might be director, producers, screenwriters, etc) being involved with the Metroid movie. And hell, I know it's bound to suck and everything, just like every other game-based movie, but they should have C2 productions produce it (same productions company that brought us T3:RotM). That would problably be the best thing it would ever have going for it.
Abnormal Freak
Posts: 318/364
The thing about Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is I didn't really care that it didn't resemble the games. The story was kind of crap, but I didn't care about that either. It's such a fun movie to watch. The visuals are fantastic.

And yes, a Silent Hill movie, directed by the same dude who directed Brotherhood of the Wolf. That fact alone gives me a huge boner.
Shadow Red
Posts: 60/133
They're making a Silent Hill movie?!

Ive been hopeing for that since I played the first one.

Holy shit, if they make it half as scary/freaky as the games i'll be happy.

By the way, FF sucked it seemed like it had absolutely nothing to do with Final Fantasy itself.
alte Hexe
Posts: 5081/5458
A LoZ story? Easy

Hey, elf boy. Go fight! Okay! Ganondorf might be bad...GO FIGHT! Okay! You're a man now! Huzzah, balls! Go fight! Okay! Ganondorf turned into Ganon, shit! Go fight, now! Yay, a rainbow bridge and a golden triangle! The end!
Abnormal Freak
Posts: 317/364
Originally posted by Seph2k4
And Metroid is being made as well, which I also have doubts on because it's from the producers of Final Destination (one of the most overrated series ever; sorry, just don't like the FD movies; TERRIBLE ACTING!)

Where'd you get that info? Of the confirmed producers, none of them have worked on any of the Final Destination movies, according to IMDb.
Posts: 585/619
Originally posted by MC Pee Pants
I would so kill for a Legend of Zelda flick, seeing that Metroid's gonna hit the big screen soon.

Legend of Zelda's already being made, and rest assured, it's gonna suck just like (just about all of) the rest of them. How can they POSSIBLY fit all that story into a 2-3 hour film? And Metroid is being made as well, which I also have doubts on because it's from the producers of Final Destination (one of the most overrated series ever; sorry, just don't like the FD movies; TERRIBLE ACTING!)
alte Hexe
Posts: 5049/5458
I'd like to see more animated features done. And not this shitty digital BS that is going around. REAL cel by cel animation done on the old analogue systems so that it will have that amazing feel that Disney movies from the 80s and earlier have.
Posts: 523/736
I would so kill for a Legend of Zelda flick, seeing that Metroid's gonna hit the big screen soon.

Abnormal Freak
Posts: 309/364
I've been wanting to see Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter lately. Haven't seen those movies in ages. They were pretty atrocious, but fun in a way, in a really crappy way. I'm sure I'd enjoy watching them a lot. Mmmm... Kylie Minogue as Cammy.
Posts: 5176/5337
You forgot "God of War" in that list of games turned movies.

And microsoft wants a shit load for the Halo movie to be green light.

I won't go into a rant, but I will say this; video game turned movies kick ass when you're a kid. Cause you don't really care about the acting, as long as there is action.

Movies like Street Fighter, Double Dragon, Mario Bros., I saw when I was a kid, and I liked 'em. I watched Street Fighter a few months ago and I laughed my ass off. Good times though, good times.
Posts: 9827/11302
Yeah, Mortal Kombat wasn't only a decent film, but it made a TON of money and would have to be on any "Top 5 game-based movies" list. Tomb Raider did really well at the box office but the second one didn't do well at all if I recall.

Final Fantasy was a HUGE money pit for Square at the time, and they really could have put together a better story. Not that it was a *bad* movie or anything... it just wasn't what fans expected and that dragged it down.
alte Hexe
Posts: 5044/5458



Posts: 584/619
Originally posted by Jarukoth
With that in mind, I really hope Bloodrayne will break Uwe Boll's losing streak...

I hope so, too... but I doubt it will. Cast and acting isn't everything, you must understand. Cast and acting can only do so much for a film, and judging from the previews, I don't think it has much else to show for it besides that, so yeah, expect another Uwe Boll flopfest.
Abnormal Freak
Posts: 308/364
Silent Hill is going to be the greatest game-based movie ever, and it's going to kick lots of I hope. It sounds promising... Christophe freaking Gans, he can't let me down.
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