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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Modern Art. | 1 guest
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - 20X6! (Shing!)
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Yoshi Dude
Posts: 2661/3271
Nice and readable, as others have said.
The only thing I'm picky about, which isn't a big deal or anything, is the picture on the right. The "STINKOMAN" takes up some space and is a bit pointless. It'd be better placed above or below the character, since he's not taking up much space anyway. This way you could make that pic a big larger or something.
I don't know. It's not a big deal, your text isn't squished or anything. Very minor.
Good job.
Posts: 1136/1696
Nice and simple. Looks good.
Posts: 1656/3359
Fix it before I can comment.
Posts: 388/916
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you asking for a challenge?
Haha. Nice layout man! Stinkoman rocks!
Posts: 714/922
Decent. It would be good if someone with layouts like that would actually try adding more to it a bit though. But, it's good enough the way it is so far... Nice work.
Posts: 1572/1998
Heh. Thanks.
Posts: 7238/8392
...and I just fixed an unclosed table. :\ Need to check over that next time.

Otherwise, pretty decent/simple layout. Looks too similar to a lot of them around here.
Posts: 1571/1998
I got my layout from Ice Man, I doctored it up to make it look 20X6 material.

Setzer made the spiff Minipic!

Bass changed my name to Stinkoman 20X6 upon my request.

Thanks goes out to all these guys. Comment on my layout and help me remedy this table-breaking problem.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - 20X6! (Shing!)


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