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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Mo' pixel art - Super Mario Land!
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Posts: 203/454
Maybe I don't know how? Har har

As for lack of time, it's more of a lack of interest in rom hacking. It's boring... Playing hacks is fun, but making them...
Posts: 562/2002
Maybe, you can code your own game via VisualBasic or C++; ya know; a remake of the original!
Posts: 103/528
You could pretend you're not doing a graphics hack when you're in fact doing one.. and fool yourself that every sprite you make is just some way to kill time . 'Tis nifty.. though I think it'd be neat with some comparison image to see how it looks in SMW or whatever.
Posts: 176/344
Whoa, that's very awesome. I envy your spriting skill. I remember playing SML a lot on my Super Game Boy and beating at a Chinese restaurant when I was a kid. I still need to play the second one.
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 165/3271
too little free time? where're all these sprites coming from?

I'd like to see an original Mario.
Posts: 196/454
Meh, i retired from rom hacking. Too little free time and interest
Posts: 284/2390
Originally posted by Weasel
Graphics hack for what? These use too many colors for NES, and I loathe SMW because of the people that hack the game
BMF is no loser.

I never said you'd need to make THOSE exactly into a hack, just that you would make one hell of a good graphics hack if you sat down and did that.
Posts: 185/454
Graphics hack for what? These use too many colors for NES, and I loathe SMW because of the people that hack the game
Posts: 277/2390
Hot Jesus. Yes, you better do the graphics hack thing or I will get in touch with my cement-shoe expert friends.
Posts: 265/2082
Wow. Thos look awesome. I would be the idiot to use them in Acmlm World, but Weasel will probably use them in his own hack.
Posts: 173/454
Palettes? Hmm...
I think I kept every 16x16 block under 8 colors each. Except the ground tiles might be more, I'm not sure.

And yes, Mario is missing I think I'll just rip him from smas though XD

Posts: 368/3959
Ya know, the only thing missing from the Super Mario Land picture, is mario himself

But that is some good stuff right there, except for the ripped parts
Posts: 172/454
Seriously, if someone could make a gba game out of something like this, i'd be up in arms

<-- showing off the ripped clouds and a really stupid looking sphinx statue
Posts: 1063/11162
Originally posted by Melvin
Who cares. In all honesty, I'd love to see a SMLA 1 and 2 with these kinds of graphics. They rock

So true Melvin.

Only if somebody could program for GBA or something. Then we could use thoose graphics and make our own SMLA 1 remake from scratch.
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 106/3271
you better make a graphics hack or i'll kick your ass.

excellent job.
Posts: 235/618
That is very goodyour lucky you know how to do all that stuff, it looks very professional
Posts: 436/12781
Originally posted by Weasel
I redid the Chibibos a little bit. They turned out too much like a regular goomba though. But I didn't bother myself with fixing them.

Here's a new screenshot:

New enemy: Fly (how original, nintendo...). He's that thing that hops up and down at you. My graphics aren't great, so I might just rip them from smb3 XD

Haha, i love the fly. It looks like it
Posts: 164/454
Best suggestion I've heard all day
Posts: 155/991
Who cares. In all honesty, I'd love to see a SMLA 1 and 2 with these kinds of graphics. They rock
Posts: 161/454
I'm not going for exact original looks, because the original used 8x8 tiles for everything Plus, this pipe looks better.

Some of the graphics don't give very well though. The "shadow" pyramids in particular, and the clouds. Boy did I screw up the clouds...
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Mo' pixel art - Super Mario Land!


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