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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - SMW+6 Demo 1 is out! Get it here!
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Golden Yoshi
Posts: 38/693
Sorry guys... I was having trouble getting my link to work...

Here is a direct link to the SMW+6 page:

Or if you just want to download it directly:

Posts: 58/168
That demo was fun!
Keep up the very good work...
Mario Mario
Posts: 11/14
Originally posted by Kyouji "Kagami" Craw
That was unnecessary.

Not everyone views signatures. Not everyone knows the URL to his site (I assume). I was just making it a little easier for some people.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 428/7620
That was unnecessary.
Mario Mario
Posts: 10/14
For those who don't view signatures, the link is

I'll download it and try it out later.
Posts: 198/1346
Looking at the screenshots, I have to say I am impressed. As usual, the SMW+ series is always good.


I'll play it when I get done with the internet. Good work with the levels, though.
Draconis Kenjishiya
Posts: 4/83

I'll edit this post when I finish playing.

[EDIT] This hack is fun. The thing with the blocked ship entrance confused me for quite a while, but I got it eventually.
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 37/693
Originally posted by Hidden Mario
It's a good hack, but too short.
I have played it until the end and I enjoyed it.
Keep up the good work.

Too short? It's a demo with 8 levels.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 426/7620
must... resist... urge... to... make... comment... on... hidden... mario's... saying... it's... too... short... when... it's... just... a... demo...

In all seriousness, it's good. I was expecting you to use the bluejay as a replacement for the halfway marker, but then you didn't. I'm also impressed you actually made a level that used the special scrolls. That must take a huge amount of patience to actually get right. I hate autoscroll levels, but was impressed just the same.

I didn't get the secret exit in the first level though I got the one in the fortress. That was clever, but in the end having prior experience with how you thought from playing SMW+3 allowed me to win out.
Posts: 57/1114
It's a good hack, but too short.
I have played it until the end and I enjoyed it.
Keep up the good work.
The Great Guy
Posts: 41/170
Yaaaay!!Another great SMW+ hack from Golden yoshi!
Posts: 439/2002
Lookin' niiiiice... especially like all the gfx stuff, like SMB1 blocks... very lah-dee-dah. Keep it up!
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 36/693
SMW+6 demo 1 is finally done! 8 levels are playable so far.

Credits for now:
Everyone at ExGFX Workshop: ExGFX
FPI Productions: Some new BG's
Skateboarder11: Beta testing and ExGFX

Get it at my site, in my sig.

Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - SMW+6 Demo 1 is out! Get it here!


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