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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Super Mario World Chaos (19 screens)
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Posts: 21/27
mikepjr, that post was lame. It was totally useless. Provide some information.
You just said:
It wasn't good.
Why? Tell him why, and what to improve.
I'd say: (as many) Work on the palettes. Give the cubes dark outline, and don't give them the exact same look as the ground for instance. In the ice level, Make the ground a bit darker blue then the cubes, then your palettes still match, but it isn't very monotonous (is that a word? I'm not english).

Hope that helped.
Posts: 207/242
If i were to give you a report card to take home to show mom, it would read, needs improvement.

You would get a C.

Let's just say it's not horible but it is not great by any means.

I have seen worse.

Not say by who though.
Posts: 1188/1981
Looks like I'm in with hhallahh, because I think that the palette just needs a few minor adjustments. Anyways, try to do a little more work on your GFX, use different pallettes for the different layers, and yeah, this hack could become better.

@BM: I don't give a shit about your shit.
Posts: 17/20
I'm sorry for making fun of you But I did try to tell you to use darker outlines
Posts: 1694/2002
All right...
I'm sorry, Koneko. My behaviour was out of line. I'm just pissed in general because I have to take fucking summer school and it's pissing me off, royally.
Your palettes clash. It's just blue on black on white. Light blue, ice blue then midnight blue. It doesn't follow a likable gradient; if it went from light to dark, instead of random brightness, then I'd say, it loks pretty sweet. But it's just randomly colored, or so it seems.
In that pipe level, your black outline for that one pipe is beige. It looks really bad. Also, leave the mario palette the way it was.
Posts: 78/256
So I've been screwing with the palettes, trying to find something that gives the look I want without being crappy. Then I realized I was missing something:

Well, wtf is wrong with my palettes in the first place?

I want to know, specifically, why people dislike my palettes. Otherwise, I can never 'fix' them like people want, or perhaps I won't change them just to spite you all. It's not as if my entire hack will use the icy palette; and since I was satisfied with them (well, duh) before I posted the screens, I see no reason to make arbitrary and ambiguous modifications.

Someone, please give me actual information. I'd like to make my hack likeable, but if there's nothing specific anyone can say, I'll just move on.

These sections are only in one level for ease of testing, because they use the test levels, and thus I can't just link to them from the overworld. It's probably my whole ice world right here, though it needs more parts to have any continuity.

LOL, I'm talking about continuity in a Mario game... XD

Oh, and I'm only annoyed at Clock right now, because he stupidly assumed that I would ask him for help on something I'm better off learning myself.

Flame wars are fun, no?
Posts: 589/607
Heh, I thought the all-blue pallete was kind of cool. Could be improved, but interesting. Guess I'm in the minority. D:
Posts: 102/110
Kyouji: Damn, here I was hoping that my hack merited an actual rant from this guy. As is, he's also interested in BM's shit. I seriously ought to get my palettes from his ass!


My ass only has 2 pallettes. The first is the same as chocolate world. Sometimes I get Luigi's pallette too.....

But yeah I like the pics except the pallette honestely. Oh and the last few pics. So much blue.
Posts: 1686/2002
Okay, the flames have got to stop. We don't need a war here
What detail? It's nothing no one else has said before:
Your palettes suck. Fix them. They make my eyes asplode.
If you want me to make your palettes for you, I will. I just want credit, is all.
Posts: 14/20
My dog has made a better pallette out of yellow snow. And is retarded.
Need darker outlines to tell things apart.Everything else is fine. Look at other hacks and think about the pallette a LOT harder.
Posts: 77/256
Ok, so I'll look at what everyone said, so far...

Brooklyn Mario: Interesting. I'll have to take a look at your shit sometime.
Kyouji: Damn, here I was hoping that my hack merited an actual rant from this guy. As is, he's also interested in BM's shit. I seriously ought to get my palettes from his ass!
Kario: Hmm, I like the spelling correction.
Clockworkz: I'd really like more detail than that...
TheCube: I give you a cookie for the first worthwhile reply to my thread. Thank you, I'll keep that in mind, and that too.
FuSoYa: Hmm, God didn't comment on me, but on BM's reference to his shit.
Aioria: Neat. Can I have your vinegar pool? I'm nearly out.
HH: Oh, of course it's not the first level!
Keikonium: Thank you for being the first to notice my only good custom gfx. I'll remember what you said.


OK, so, my palettes suck. Now I know, I actually kind of like my palettes, but there's my eyesight for you. My ice block and pilliars also suck, but less horribly. There needs to be more variety. I should probably be looking at people's septic tanks if I want to ever improve this, that was probably everyone else's big secret. The level needs to be split up and messed with. Everyone wants me to hire somebody who can actually draw.

That's about what people said, really. Now, stuff I've already changed:

I have a better ice block now. It actually tiles. w00t!
I put in the right background for the underground parts, that was silly of me.
I messed with my palettes, but I'm still working on it. My methodology for making a palette was obviously completely wrong, so I'm trying to make an ice level that doesn't make people reference their bodily excretions. It's not easy, I'm going to have to make it look like something other than ice. But hey, if it doesn't look like shit, who cares if it makes no sense?
I'm redesigning my pillar level, as to make it less auto-sucky.

Obviously it will take work to fix this cesspit, but hey, at least now I recognize it as such! Thanks, BM! (ooh, your name alse stands for Bowel Movement, coincidence?)

I'm gonna go back and pretend I don't exist for a while.

Posts: 1675/-2459
Horrible palettes. Fix Mario's palette too. I can't really say this looks that great. If the "cave" is underground, why does it have a night time sky. As it is now, I don't think I would actaully play this sorry.

One extreamly cool thing about this tho isn't even the level, it's the Koneko Presents screen. That just looks awesome!
Posts: 5684/8210
It looks alright besides the palettes, but PLEASE don't tell me this is the first level. It looks better suited to be the entire last world.
Posts: 1557/1567
yay for the elevator idea!

nay for the palletes

hm...this looks a bit...bad seriously, you seem to have some cool level ideas, but those palletes don't work, and those hand drawn gfx make me want to scratch my stomach in a vinegar pool.
Posts: 212/255
Originally posted by BrooklynMario
That hack is sad. I have seen better hacks from me, when I eat food and is comes out as shit.

I think we can do without such comparisons, thanks.
Posts: 61/82
Okay, let's get the bad stuff out of the way first.

Your palettes really suck. Almost every single palette is totally worthless. Most of the colors are too similar to each other, creating a monotonous look. The goomba statues are a good example of this. Some actual shading would be nice. Other palettes, however, create too much of a contrast. The dino rhino statue's colors don't fit well together. Same with the spiketops in the third shot. I would stick with some of the default palettes for a while, until you get better at paletting.

Your custom graphics also sort of suck. The weird ice blocks look really bad tiled. Your pillars suck for reasons I cannot put my finger on. They don't look bad, but try using them more sparingly with other graphics.

And speaking of which, most of your screenshots lack variety in tiles. Try, you know, using more than one or two tiles repeatedly.

Your palettes really are blinding. I can't quite get over that. Sorry, just have to emphasize that point.

Gigantic levels are not good. If this is a REALLY LONG LEVEL, which it seems to be, try splitting it up into smaller parts. There's nothing more annoying (Yes, NOTHING) than dying right near the end of a 20 minute level and having to start all over, or even halfway through if you're using a midway point.

Okay, now the good stuff.

I like the idea of a "haunted elevator." That shot actually looks pretty neat. I may have to steal your elevator idea, actually.

Those bushes as icy spikes look pretty neat. This is, of course, offset by that one nasty ice tile repeated over and over.

Changing the fireballs, that's not something most people do. Though the graphic doesn't seem spectacular, any change is pretty neat.

It looks like your levels should be pretty interesting, even if they are ugly. Of course, it's hard to tell from still screenshots, but what you've shown looks decent.

In conclusion, your hack needs a lot of work, but you seem to like what you're doing and have enthusiasm for it, so I think you'll be able to pull it off. Fix the glaring problems, and you might just have an interesting hack on your hands.
Posts: 1685/2002
Those palette make baby Jesus cry
Honestly, EVERY screen has a glaring palette mishap that just just kills the level.
Posts: 1865/2082
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw

Somehow, I feel...



I dont think this hack looks that bad guys. I dont like some of the palettes at all, and the ice levels are way too blue, but with some work it could look really cool.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 6876/7620
Originally posted by BrooklynMario
That hack is sad. I have seen better hacks from me, when I eat food and is comes out as shit.

Somehow, I feel...

Posts: 101/110
That hack is sad. I have seen better hacks from me, when I eat food and is comes out as shit.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Super Mario World Chaos (19 screens)


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