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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - World Affairs / Debate - Robots = working communism?
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Posts: 7/140
Human greed makes this inprobable. It is possible, just like people not flaming me, but likewise, it won't happen. Initially, the cost is not even that high, it is just people will use other people if it is cheaper.
Posts: 12/41
Woulden't people still want to do the creative jobs? We would all take up jobs and hobbies if we didn't have to work. Our art and phillosophy and science culture would go up like 100 fold.
Posts: 15/215
Spoilers for The Giver

The Giver is about a boy who lives in a utopain society. The name is never given. (of the city, not the boy. I forgot the boy's name -.-) The boy receives a job from a person known as the Giver. The Giver's job is to remember all the memories from past civilzation so the citizen's don't have to. The boy is told by the Giver that he is too old for his work, and has to pass the memories in his head to the boy.
The story is really a lot more complex then that, I just forget a lot...

Edit: Put it in spoiler tags for you. It's just [spoiler](text)[/spoiler]
Posts: 149/458
Never read that book, what is the story (Resumed in a few line)

note: my theory about brain is ok, they both use electrical signal to stock information, the only difference its the brain become better with use and the computer insted become worst with use
Posts: 8/215
I was thinking more of a Utopian society, like in the book The Giver except without all the secret bad government stuff.
Posts: 101/458
This would be impossible to improve AI at this point CPU and Brain work the exact same way so If we keep improving the AI the robot will not accept to work free and what you are talking about is decadence not communism
Posts: 5423/8210
See, that's why I'm not president. It's just an idea. I mean we need something to keep people in shape or a lot of them would just live like slugs, watching TV and sleeping.

And personally I consider the time in which I can pursue the arts and sciences to be leisure time. The key word is 'can'. I can do whatever I want in this time, maybe I choose to do that or maybe I just go play a video game. You wouldn't be forced to do that, so the description fits. (Though I'd encourage it. )
Posts: 184/339
The HyperHacker says...
But wait... robots can't do everything. A robot can't write a book or paint a picture. Who does that? Well, you would still have people doing those jobs.

Poor choice of words; writing a book or painting a picture aren't "jobs." No ones is going to pay you to come into work and write a book or paint a picture. Most writers have other jobs to support themselves while persuing their art of choice, and we're all probably familiar with the clich
Posts: 602/817
WTF? Mandatory exercize?
The last time I heard the phrase "mandatory exercize" was in Orwell's 1984.
Posts: 2750/3875
Why, other robots, of course.
Posts: 424/452
Originally posted by Dei*
I don't think we should replace everything with robots, otherwise we'd become not much more than slugs on our couches, despite the 'workout program' you described. Besides, it takes out that 'human' touch in things. Even though you could replace everything with robots, it wouldn't feel the same, knowing that humans had basically no part in doing/making it.

Well, the Robots would be made by humans...

Which leads into the question... If a Communist Society where Robots do all the work is created and people live easy lifestyles, who will repair the Robots?
Posts: 216/412
Replicators would rock. But I don't think those are the machines we're talking about.

I don't think we should replace everything with robots, otherwise we'd become not much more than slugs on our couches, despite the 'workout program' you described. Besides, it takes out that 'human' touch in things. Even though you could replace everything with robots, it wouldn't feel the same, knowing that humans had basically no part in doing/making it.
Posts: 695/815
I've always thought of replicators as the solution. Who needs capitalism when you can get whatever you want from a big thing in the wall? Star Trek communism for win!
Posts: 374/448
you'd be surprised...

if I didn't have a job.... I wouldn't spend more than a few minutes at home.... I would be out in the city having fun.... there are lots of things to do you just usually don't have the time to do them.... or you are budgeting your time in such a way that work takes most of your time and then you find time to do what you can around that.... which usually means you do a lot less than you want to
alte Hexe
Posts: 4341/5458
Once AI comes in, then you'll have that much needed culture.

I personally don't think that we will have robots advanced enough to form a full fledged society in any reasonable time frame.
Posts: 5391/8210
I was thinking about this a while ago. Robots could be the solution to making communism work, at least partially.

Consider the idea that you get everything for free. That means the people who make it aren't getting anything in return. Why should they even do it then? They won't, that simple.
But a robot doesn't care if it's being paid. A robot sits there and makes things 24/7. It does not, for that matter can not want anything in return. And therein lies the solution. If every job were done by robots, nobody would have to pay anybody for anything. (And we would have 24-hour leisure time. )

So how do we replace everyone with robots? Obviously people aren't going to like the idea that they don't have a job because a robot can do it better, and robots can't do everything. What this means is, don't replace people gradually. Develop and test robots that can do absolutely every job, and only replace people when they're all ready to do so. Total replacement avoids the issue of increasing unemployment rates.

But wait... robots can't do everything. A robot can't write a book or paint a picture. Who does that? Well, you would still have people doing those jobs. People who enjoy doing them. I, for one, find it fun to design software and video games. I spend most of my spare time doing so. If they didn't have to pay for the materials and equipment, anyone could go out and do these things. After all, how many movie producers are only in it for the money? That's a huge perk, sure, but they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't enjoy producing movies.

Now imagine you're sitting around at home. You don't go to work because robots do everything. Won't you get fat? That's where mandatory excersize programs come in. Everyone would be required to work out just enough to stay in shape. After all, with 16 hours of free time a day, you need something to do. (Perhaps TV stations could shut down during this period too.)

Of course this idea has its share of flaws, but I figure as technology advances we can work out the kinks. What do you all think?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - World Affairs / Debate - Robots = working communism?


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