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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Ooh, goody, my speed runs are on SDA.
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Posts: 7/75
Originally posted by Emptyeye
Zelda II New Game +.

Battletoads (With warps).

beat quoatro advanture(game 4)!
Posts: 127/240
I am 100% sure that the 30 minute MM2 movie is a TAS. Also, every time he got hit was to save time. Besides, it has been improved to 25 minutes.
Posts: 2437/3418
I still wonder if that 30 minute Megaman 2 run was a fake.

Probably, because I doupt that's possible for a human to perfect a game like that.
(if anyones seen it, the player doesn't get hit until like the 6-8th level, and he perfects every single step, jump, boss, and everything).
Posts: 1942/2273
Made a small edit to the previous post.

Please, PLEASE, whatever you do, try to avoid using incorrect terminology when referring to emulator runs versus console ones. Emulator runs are refered to as "tool-assisted runs" (Not necessarily speedruns, as speed may not be the goal of the movie). Some people call them "time attacks", though that definition seems to have been deprecated now.

The last thing we need is more confusion as to what's emulated and what's on a console.
Posts: 159/412
I remember trying to make a Super Metroid speedrun, about 1 hour 56 minutes...>.> <.<

I'll have to check some of your tool-assisted speedruns out soon, Acmlm.
Posts: 1353/1818
I still have more fun watching the tool-assisted ones than the legit ones.
Posts: 454/500
SDA are all legit runs on console, and the bisqwit ones are all emulated and slowed to be as perfect as possible..

Maybe you could do an console SMW run, Acmlm
Posts: 1147/1173
10:35, even

And a few hundred more like this can be found at, there's also some from me (submitted, published)

But there's a big difference between tool-assisted runs and real speedruns
Posts: 150/412
Originally posted by Ten
I once downloaded video of someone beating the Japanese verson of Super Mario Brothers 3 in 11 minutes. While scoring a bunch of 1UPs in the tank levels.

11 minutes? Jesus, I need to find that.
Posts: 65/92
I think that was Morimoto's emulator assisted speedrun played on Famtasia.
Posts: 150/198
I once downloaded video of someone beating the Japanese verson of Super Mario Brothers 3 in 11 minutes. While scoring a bunch of 1UPs in the tank levels.
Ok Impala!
Posts: 340/383

I've translated Zelda II (to Dutch) last year. I've really raced through the game to test all text. But even when using GG codes and a constant turbo I wasn't as fast as you. But on the other hand, I had to read every piece of text on the way to see if it did fit correctly in the text boxes.
Posts: 6415/8392
They've got a tool assist of Gradius III SNES but no arcade...hell I doubt that will be around any time soon unless someone's working on movie taking for it, specifically re-recording.

As for straight play of the arcade version, good fscking luck.

I'll check them when I get back home, EE. Can't really look at them now in a lab but I remember you talking about it at some point on here...
Posts: 118/412
Originally posted by Xeomega
I'll download them later today, but by looking over the times I can already say I hate you.

If you're sooo good Emptyeye ...

Then beat Gradius III Arcade!

Dude that game was evilishly hard on arcade. I struggled to beat it!
Posts: 2406/3418
I'll download them later today, but by looking over the times I can already say I hate you.

If you're sooo good Emptyeye ...

Then beat Gradius III Arcade!

Posts: 1939/2273
Zelda II New Game +.

Battletoads (With warps).
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Ooh, goody, my speed runs are on SDA.


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