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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Movies / TV / Entertainment: Abnormal Freak | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Batman Begins! - Amazing
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alte Hexe
Posts: 4299/5458
The cool part of the Joker is that he shouldn't be believeable. His voice should be the Hamill's no matter what.
Posts: 677/815
Personally, if the Joker's the next bad guy, I would cream my pants if they voiced him over with Mark Hamil (assuming they get an actor who the voice would be believable with).

And yes, Batman Begins wins. Best Batman movie every easily.
alte Hexe
Posts: 4293/5458
I never claimed that it was. I just hate Catwoman. One of the worst enemies that Batman has ever encountered. And not bad in a Ras' Al-Ghoul sense where he is bad to the fucking awesome bone. Bad as in Howard the Duck the movie bad.
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 650/816
I thought Bale was better than Keaton because he could really pull off the dual roles of Batman and Bruce Wayne. Keaton was good at being Batman, but Wayne? Not so much.
Posts: 1672/1797
Originally posted by Ziff



There are so many good enemies that AREN'T FUCKING CATWOMAN!

The Catwoman movie isn't related to Begins at all, according to IMDB. But she still sucks. ;|

Xeo: I doubt it's fake. Plus it isn't *too* early for something like this to show up; remember when production started on Indiana Jones IV?
Posts: 2347/3418
Originally posted by windwaker

Wow, that's seriously good. I guess I can't say ...

It seems a little early for something like that to pop up, but it is believable.
Posts: 114/916
Well that new series is gonna be a lot similiar to the old ones... I mean the Joker is freakin' in it... Hmm...

=P Snika
Super Sion
Posts: 2183/2472
Maybe, but they sure arent as hot as she is. Face!
alte Hexe
Posts: 4254/5458



There are so many good enemies that AREN'T FUCKING CATWOMAN!
Posts: 1671/1797
Super Sion
Posts: 2180/2472
I would have liked to see her in the next one but it would be even cooler if they had Catwoman.

Catwoman and The Joker would make an awesome sequal!!!
Posts: 2329/3418
Originally posted by paraplayer
who was clayface again?

jeez i really gotta get a few episodes of the old cartoon... loved that show...

Well, he was only in 3 episodes (in the original good, cartoon at least).

He was, basically what he sounds like. A giant man of clay that could transform and take the form of anyone basically.

Well as for the new Batman news, it sounds like Katie Holmes won't be returning in the next one. Article.

Meh. Doesn't bother me really.
Posts: 127/280
who was clayface again?

jeez i really gotta get a few episodes of the old cartoon... loved that show...
Super Sion
Posts: 2175/2472
Yea Joker has always been my favorite, but I liked Scarecrow too the thought that he could prey on your fears really freaked me out.

I think Im gonna watch the old Batman movies right now, those were awesome!
Posts: 2299/3418
Well I've always hated the Scarecrow until now, but I've been a Joker fan since the beginning. I'm sure he'll turn out to be awesome. I wouldn't mind a "physco clown", which is probably what we'll get.

I wonder if they'll have two villians in the next one, kind of like what the old movies did (except for the first one).

I'd really like to see Clayface in a movie. But, that could be pretty hard to pull off nicely, the big issue I can see is that it would look totally fake, but who know's?

And who was the villian from the first Batman cartoon movie? (that turned out to be a girl, the movie also had the Joker in it)
Was it the Phantom or something? A movie with that character would be pretty cool too.

Edit: The Phantasm. That was a good movie.
Super Sion
Posts: 2171/2472
I knew this was a new series. I wonder how they will make Joker look. I really hope they do a better job than they did on the Scarecrow, IMO Scarecrow should have been some tall skinny guy instead he was some little affeminate doctor.
Posts: 126/280
I just saw the movie.


and they left it open for a sequel!!!!

i could go on forever about how awesome it was but i'm afraid i'll spoil something!
Posts: 1669/1797
Originally posted by Snika
Sion, the sequel has been made. Its called 'Batman' starring Michael Keaton. Batman Begins was a prequel to all those other Batman films made. Although they COULD make a sequel taking place after all those movies, or just redo the whole entire series...

=P Snika

No, dude. It started a new series. IS IT THAT HARD TO READ THE REST OF THE THREAD?
Posts: 122/280
I'm seeing this movie tonight!!


Cant wait.
Posts: 10/11
In the old Batman movie, Batman was just starting out on his quest to fight crime. The Police didn't even know who he was and didn't beleive he was real till they saw him fighting Jack and his gang at the chemical factory.

That alone proves that Batman Begins is a new series on its own, since most of Gotham City knows about Batman by the end of the film.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Batman Begins! - Amazing


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