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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Tony hawk underground
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Posts: 56/619
Originally posted by paradox
i would kill you in it, i can land 3 mil point combos

Really? The most I've ever landed was 6 mil offline, and another time I landed 5 mil, but I could never do it on repeated occasions. I don't exactly consider myself a "pro" at this game.
Posts: 435/703
i would kill you in it, i can land 3 mil point combos
Posts: 385/3194
Yes, yes, and hell yes!

More importantly, who plays it online? I would love to see how I measure up to some of the other people here.
Posts: 417/703
Originally posted by tinzeee
I'm not really into theses sort of games, but i played this one and i have to say i actually had fun playing it.
i remember back in the day when i first started skateboarding the first skateboarding games i got were 720 and skate or die...those games were so fun and thats what got me into skateboarding
Posts: 91/618
I'm not really into theses sort of games, but i played this one and i have to say i actually had fun playing it.
Posts: 392/703
i love the story mode too, its like a real life issue that goes on everyday
Posts: 708/2857
OK, just beat it, and wow!

What a ride!

Even if you don't like skating that much, try this out. For whatever reason, I played it instead of NCAA Football 2004, and haven't looked back since.
Posts: 65/184
Good game, but it has it's downsides...

The jump between normal and sick difficulties is way too big... I could complete normal with just my little finger.. While I'm stuck early through the game...

They either need to make normal harder, sick easier, or invent an in-between mode .
Posts: 705/2857
MAN what a fun game.

I played it for 4 hours again. This is so cool. The other ones didn't have any semblance to a plot, but this one has one.

I also love the ambience, such as, I'm skating around Hawaii, and so are like 45 other people
Posts: 81/318
I got this last christmas. It's an awesome game. All the roleplaying and everything is pretty cool. All the different new things like create-a-trick, and better park editing just enforce it's "goodness"*. The great soundtrack makes it more enjoable as well. But the one thing I have against it, is it's difficulty. It was a tad easy. For me anyway

Posts: 701/2857
Wow, I just played this for the first time, and I played for about 4 hours w/o noticing.

I like this a lot, and it's a lot of fun. I had previously thought the series had been beated to death, but I was wrong. Boatloads of fun.
Posts: 49/619
I agree. Tony Hawk's Underground is much better than it's predecessors. The music is pretty good, too. And that really is saying a lot because I really didn't like TH3 and 4's soundtrack.
Posts: 352/703
Whos else loves this game? i think this game is so much better then all the other tony hawks....all the new features just knock them on there asses
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Tony hawk underground


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