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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Video Games Just got TWISTED! (Wario Ware.)
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Posts: 4913/5337
Fun. Pure fun. We need more games like this.

I've been playing it while I have free time at work (or when I'm not playing the PsP) and its an amazing game. I wonder if the new Yoshi game is going to be as fun.
Posts: 296/397
Originally posted by Colin
It's exactly the same technology as Kirby's Tilt and Tumble used.

Not to correct you or be rude or anything but Tilt and Tumble was different, you had to tilt the game, not rotate it, if I remember right Tiwsted! doesn't use any tilt tech, hence the name Twisted! :-P I do think I heard of a GBA game that does use the same or simular technology to Kirby, though it may of actually been another twist game like this and Yoshi's Universal Gravitation, who's rotation is actually abit different, only detecting straight, left, and right!
Posts: 9751/11162
Apparently you can use the rumble thing with some DS game too, if you have the Wario ware twisted cartdridge.

I'm definatly going to buy it, but i'm not going to play it on my DS. I better go with my GBA SP.

I loved Wario ware touched, but then it was my first Wario ware game. And I heard this one is better so i'm not going to get disapointed...
Posts: 8411/11302
Well, that's why it's called TWISTED. You need to twist the GBA, which'll probably make you dizzy. (Kinda like how Touched... well... used touch.)

It's exactly the same technology as Kirby's Tilt and Tumble used.
Posts: 4669/8210
Eh? The game has a tilt sensor and rumble add-on? Cooooooool.
Posts: 1054/1346
The game isn't too easy, but it is surely fun.

My favorite microgame: Wario's Mambo. I don't know why, but it is just hilarious. Doing a pattern like that with the GBA/DS vibrating is just pretty cool.

Did I mention this game comes with a vibration thingy? Yeah, awesome.

While at first this game seems easy, it gets harder... big time. I am right now trying to collect every single souveneir... and there is a whole lot of them! They are arranged in five or six catergories and in each one there are about 20 spaces each. That is a lot of stuff to collect.

Did I mention that the Fronks sometimes put in their games in between other games? Big time randomness point there.
Posts: 777/1068
Wario Ware Inc. Series,the only series Miyamoto is jaleous of not creating it ^^.

Mawaru made in wario is quite a lot of fun, and lots of stuff to be unlocked.
Posts: 8399/11302
Haven't tried it yet but I heard that when you patch the rom (to emulate it), the game loses some of its charm. I don't know if that means the game's too "easy" or monotenous or something along those lines.

But yeah... Funny how Twisted would prove to be more unique/fun than Touched, hm? Whichever dev team does the games have to be on some serious happy pills.
Posts: 1052/1346
Well, I just got Wario Ware. Twisted, and I must say, it is definitley a Wario Ware. game!

So the gimmick with the last Wario Ware. was touching the stuff. In this one, the whole thing is centered around (get this) rotating the entire system for things to happen.

This seems easy, but it really isn't in places. Example: Jimmy T's boss stage. Imaging having to turn a GBA but having to actually taking your hands off the system to keep turning the handheld upside down a few times. Now try imagining it with a DS. A bit harder with a DS, but still is pretty nifty.

The microgames in this one are also really nice. Some are just strange (example, having to tilt the screen to move a guy to an empty stall in the bathroom so he can use the toilet) and some are... just... just... WTF material (Kat and Ana's Boss Stage).

I like this game a whole lot. Who else has played this and what do you think about it?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Video Games Just got TWISTED! (Wario Ware.)


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