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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Outta here
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Chaos Force
Posts: 152/332
Yeah, trust me, this really isn't a joke. He's been talking about leaving for awhile and like VN said, he hasn't been around at all lately....though i still can't figure out why the hell he choose April 1st of all days.

Anyways, good luck with everything man.
Posts: 95/445
Good luck with whatever you decide to do, man. Don't really know what else to say.
Gameboy 64
Posts: 75/94
Well, I don't know what to say since we never, ever, ever, got along, and we got off at the wrong foot. Well cya!
Posts: 87/254
Take it from me, this is no joke.

Well, it was bound to happen at some point, seeing as everyone here will eventually 'quit' certain communities. I can't say 'we' will miss you, because 'we' extends beyond myself, and I am aware of certain conflicts occuring amongst you and some members, but I can definately say I will miss you, considering you were the one who wanted me in DES in the first place.

Anyway, good luck with wherever you're going.
Posts: 99/722
Good luck with whatever you decide to do next Vagla, I'm sorry to see you go.

Although if this were an april fool's joke, and tommorow you said you were kidding, I'd feel a little better.......
Posts: 37/885
Originally posted by cAnUcKeEs
Originally posted by Internet Psycho Guy
Sayonara old pal! It's kind ironic you post this on April Fool's Day. Should we believe you? I don't think we should

You probably should. Vagla haven't been around for a long time now...And i heard that someone saying he was going to leave before...
Goodbye(or not ) Vagl-chan.

He's told us bye before already, but he visit ForgetIt every single day, but as VN said, it's for the better. TEK and ROM-HACKING are like a big happy family *key sappy primetime WB program happiness music*.
Posts: 275/703
ha, should have waited till tommorow...i dont believe your leaving
Vystrix Nexoth
Posts: 96/348
heh... ever since you stopped coming on IRC, things have gotten much more peaceful. TEK got an IRC channel and it's affiliated with #rom-hacking (and vice-versa) and tbone's been hanging out in our channel. weasel's been hanging out in #rom-hacking and already is on the HOP list. even thaddeus and redrum can peacefully co-exist.

I'd say I'll miss you, but in light of the recent peace between CG, TEK and DES, I would be lying.

later, bro.
Posts: 165/1818
Originally posted by Internet Psycho Guy
Sayonara old pal! It's kind ironic you post this on April Fool's Day. Should we believe you? I don't think we should

You probably should. Vagla haven't been around for a long time now...And i heard that someone saying he was going to leave before...
Goodbye(or not ) Vagl-chan.
Posts: 36/885
Sayonara old pal! It's kind ironic you post this on April Fool's Day. Should we believe you? I don't think we should
Posts: 1/1
I decided that it's about time I announce this on message boards to let everyone know that I won't be around in the ROMhacking scene any longer.

Since someone's bound to ask, I'm leaving because this place is simply more stress for me than anything else; I don't enjoy it anymore.

See you all in the future, maybe.

Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Outta here


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